Hi Sean, yesterday we received an interesting bug report that might help to motivate using a lower idle timeout on ite-cir: https://forum.libreelec.tv/thread/11951-sharp-ir-remote-on-intel-nuc-2820-double-presses/ The rather long message time of the sharp protocol (about 86ms) in combination with the 200ms default idle timeout of ite-cir leads to the last message being received after the current 250ms "keyup" timeout. This results in an additional keyup/keydown event being generated from the last message. Even a short button press results in 2 keydown events. I dont't have any ite-cir hardware here but could reproduce it with gpio-ir-recv set to 200ms idle timeout. Lowering the timeout to 100 or 125ms fixed the issue both here and on the reporter's hardware. so long, Hias