Hello I just recently acquired two pctv 292e triplestick USB DVB-C dongles for testing audio/video streaming on a Raspberry Pi 3. For a simple test I wanted to play back a radio station with mpg123 like: dvbv5-zap -c dvb_channel.conf "Sky Radio NL" -o - | ffmpeg -i - -c:a copy -f mp2 - | mpg123 -a hw:1,0 - But until audio is hearable it takes around 3 - 4 minutes... The same happens when I record the mp2 audio stream with ffmpeg in the pipe... I hardly assume ffmpeg causes this delay as it maybe wants to find out the duration of the stream as a similar delay is noticable when using mplayer instead of ffmpeg. Is there a better/faster way that audio is played immediately? thanks in advance richard