Hi, I have some problem that libv4l cannot decode all image coming from the Labtec Webcam 2200. There are some cases when no image at all can be decoded. This case can be reproduced always for example by setting the camera to test mode to produce a color test bar. The raw data arrives from the driver (41472 bytes, see attached) and v4lconvert_convert() returns -1 and the errno is set to EAGAIN. In this case the v4lconvert_get_error_message() reports the following error message: v4l-convert: error decompressing JPEG: Pixart JPEG error: invalid MCU marker: 0xff Steps to reproduce: 1. get 13327:19c0469c02c3 from http://linuxtv.org/hg/v4l-dvb/ 2. apply the patch http://www.spinics.net/lists/linux-media/msg11841.html 3. apply the patch http://www.spinics.net/lists/linux-media/msg11842.html 4. compile and install the new driver 5. plug Labtec Webcam 2200 6. start capturing 7. execute "v4l2-dbg --set-register=0x72 9", this will switch on the color test card of the webcam. Current result: v4lconvert_convert() always return -1 and errno is EAGAIN until the olor test card is not switched off with "v4l2-dbg --set-register=0x72 0". How would you start to fix this? Regards, Márton Németh