Thanks for the comprehensive answer. Mr. Thommeret's hint about the missing video PID pushed me into the right direction so I'm a step further now. With scan -vv I could find the video PIDs for the HD channels and indeed they were missing in my channels.conf (values were 0) as scan detected them as "OTHER", but with a "type 0x1b" addition with which I don't know what to do for the time being... After adding the correct PID values, mplayer still can't demux the incoming stream but the video is there, and with -dumpvideo a h264 elementary stream gets produced in the file that can be played back if I specify -demuxer h264es on the command line. What are beyond me now are: 1) how can mplayer not demux the stream if it can dump the video out (shouldn't a video dump involve a demux operation before all?) 2) is it a missing feature of mplayer that no metastream is processed that would carry the necessary information about the muxed streams? It would be adequate for me if I could specify a demuxer to use but it seems impossible in just one step - which I currently don't understand because an elementary stream is dumped as video. s. BOUWSMA Barry: > `mplayer' assumes a MPEG-2 video stream by default unless it is > told otherwise by the additional metadata carried outside the > video PID stream. That means you need to feed mplayer with not > only the video and audio streams, but also the PMT stream which > identifies the video as H.264. ----------------------------------------------------- | Friends may come and go but enemies accumulate. | ----------------------------------------------------- -- To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe linux-media" in the body of a message to majordomo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx More majordomo info at