Re: C code style for Linux man-pages examples (was: [PATCH v9] man/man7/pathname.7: Add file documenting format of pathnames)

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Hi Jason,

On Tue, Jan 21, 2025 at 08:39:49AM -0500, Jason Yundt wrote:
> Thank you for standing up for me here, Branden.  I am going to continue
> the back and forth with Alex, but I am frustrated by the process.  It
> does indeed feel like a black-box process.  I would have much preferred
> it if Alex had given me as many feedback points as possible each time.
> I really dislike it when I receive feedback and think to myself “I could
> have fixed this all the way back in v6.  Why wasn’t I told this
> earlier?”

Thank you for expressing your frustration.  I will take it into account.

> I agree that having a “Linux man-pages example C code style guide” would
> be good.

I've put that in my mental TODO list, and will try to have it soon.

> Alex said in another email “I'm just not looking at all the
> code at once, because it was highly unreadable.”  It was impossible for
> me to produce code that was not highly unreadable to Alex.  I say that
> because readability is in the eye of the beholder.


> When I first created
> the example program, I did many things to try and make my code as
> readable as possible.  What I’m discovering now is that most of the
> things that I did made the code more readable for me and less readable
> for Alex.  If there had been a “Linux man-pages example C code style
> guide” document, then I would have produced code that was more readable
> to Alex to begin with and I wouldn’t have been frustrated by the
> process.

Anyway, I did actually send all the feedback I had remaining in v9, and
v10 should already be good (at least the example).  And the wording is
already good enough, AFAIR.  So there shouldn't be much more iteration.

And I think iterating isn't all that bad, because it makes us read the
code again, which helps catch other issues unintentionally, which is why
I never worried by having many patch iterations in general.  But I
understand that it might be uncomfortable as a contributor.

Have a lovely day!


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