Re: [PATCH] fgetc.3: Describe handling of ungetc(EOF, stream)

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On 26/05/2023 16:28, Alejandro Colomar wrote:
Hi Ian!

On 5/26/23 17:19, Ian Abbott wrote:
As per the C standard, calling ungetc() with the character parameter
equal to EOF causes it to fail, returning EOF.

Signed-off-by: Ian Abbott <abbotti@xxxxxxxxx>
  man3/fgetc.3 | 8 +++++++-
  1 file changed, 7 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/man3/fgetc.3 b/man3/fgetc.3
index 75dcaeaf6..d6bf62327 100644
--- a/man3/fgetc.3
+++ b/man3/fgetc.3
@@ -62,7 +62,13 @@ A terminating null byte (\[aq]\e0\[aq])
  is stored after the last character in the buffer.
  .BR ungetc ()
+if the value of
+.I c
+equals that of the macro
+.BR EOF ,
+otherwise it pushes
I would put that detail at the end of the description, rather than
the beginning.  In C code, that kind of short-cutting can help
reading, but in the manual, it's better left as a detail at the end
of it, to give it less importance.
OK, but I think it would still need some sort of remark in the first 
sentence to indicate that it does not always apply.  Maybe something 
along the lines of:
  normally pushes c back to stream,  ...

Then add the c==EOF exception as a new paragraph along the lines of:

  If the value of c equals that of the macro EOF, nothing is
  pushed back to the stream and an error is returned.

-=( Ian Abbott <abbotti@xxxxxxxxx> || MEV Ltd. is a company  )=-
-=( registered in England & Wales.  Regd. number: 02862268.  )=-
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