On Saturday, 17 December 2022 16:08:30 GMT G. Branden Robinson wrote: > Hi Alex, > > At 2022-12-17T14:19:55+0100, Alejandro Colomar wrote: > > Another bug report (but not about the script; this seems to be about > > tbl(1) interaction with gropdf(1), I guess): > > > > <http://chuzzlewit.co.uk/LinuxManBook.pdf#pdf%3Abm11813> > > The suffixes(7) page, which I've managed to never see in 25 years as a > GNU/Linux user! Ah, well. > > Dude, I'm friggin' _trying_ to get groff ready for 1.23.0.rc2 and you > nerd-snipe me with this huge list of things that hasn't been updated in > twenty years and has all kinds of fiddly little things wrong with it-- > this of course constitutes an OCD emergency for me! Hi Alex, This is a bug in my perl script which assembles the Linux Manpage Book, nothing to do with groff, tbl or gropdf, just a bad habit I have of scrubbing leading spaces before parsing a line, normally fine, but disastrous when the space is intended to protect a full stop being the first character. For this reason, if you find issues with the book it probably is not relevent to the groff list, since it is more likely to be an issue with code which is just a few hours old. Any faults, or changes you would like, please send to me, since it is not relevent to the groff list. Cheers Deri