Re: [PATCH 4/6] xattr.7: wfix

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Hi Štěpán and Branden!

On 7/30/22 16:15, Štěpán Němec wrote:
Hello Branden,

On Fri, 29 Jul 2022 15:58:23 -0500
G. Branden Robinson wrote:

-The VFS imposes limitations that an attribute names is limited to 255 bytes
-and an attribute value is limited to 64\ kB.
+The VFS-imposed limits on attribute names and values are 255 bytes
+and 64\ kB, respectively.
While you're tidying this up, I would convert the `\ ` escape sequence
to `\~`.  Both are non-breaking spaces, but the latter is adjustable.

groff_man(7) from groff 1.22.4 says:

  \~     Adjustable, non-breaking space character.  Use  this  escape  to
         prevent  a  break  inside  a short phrase or between a numerical
         quantity and its corresponding unit(s).

                Before starting the motor, set the output speed to\~1.
                There are 1,024\~bytes in 1\~kiB.
                CSTR\~#8 documents the B language.
Thank you for the review!

I think I disagree: IMO a number+unit should be treated as a single
entity both semantically/logically and typographically (at least as far
as space stretching goes), i.e., say (if I understand the effect of '\ '
and '\~' right),

   255 bytes               and                64 kB,          respectively.

would make a bit more sense to me than

   255        bytes        and         64         kB,         respectively.

Current Linux man-pages usage doesn't appear quite consistent, but '\ '
prevails over '\~' (about 6:1), and my cursory grep found only one
instance of '\~' used between a number and its unit
Would you mind sensing a patch for that one between the number and its unit?

(vs. many instances
of '\ ' in that context).
That is just a matter of writers not knowing the existence of \~ ('\ ' 
was documented in man-pages(7), but \~ wasn't).  I wouldn't give much 
more importance to existing practice in this regard.
When I read this email I had no strong opinion; both variants made sense 
to me.  So I did some investigation, to see if the SI already specifies 
something about it; and it does:

5.2 Unit symbols

Unit symbols are printed in upright type regardless of the type used in the surrounding text. They are printed in lower-case letters unless they are derived from a proper name, in which case the first letter is a capital letter.
An exception, adopted by the 16th CGPM (1979, Resolution 6), is that 
either capital L or lower-case l is allowed for the litre, in order to 
avoid possible confusion between the numeral 1 (one) and the lower-case 
letter l (el).
A multiple or sub-multiple prefix, if used, is part of the unit and 
precedes the unit symbol without a separator.  A prefix is never used in 
isolation and compound prefixes are never used.
Unit symbols are mathematical entities and not abbreviations. Therefore, 
they are not followed by a period except at the end of a sentence, and 
one must neither use the plural nor mix unit symbols and unit names 
within one expression, since names are not mathematical entities.
In forming products and quotients of unit symbols the normal rules of 
algebraic multiplication or division apply.  Multiplication must be 
indicated by a space or a half-high (centred) dot (⋅), since otherwise 
some prefixes could be misinterpreted as a unit symbol.  Division is 
indicated by a horizontal line, by a solidus (oblique stroke, /) or by 
negative exponents.  When several unit symbols are combined, care should 
be taken to avoid ambiguities, for example by using brackets or negative 
exponents.  A solidus must not be used more than once in a given 
expression without brackets to remove ambiguities.
It is not permissible to use abbreviations for unit symbols or unit 
names, such as sec (for either s or second), sq. mm (for either mm2 or 
square millimetre), cc (for either cm3 or cubic centimetre), or mps (for 
either m/s or metre per second).  The use of the correct symbols for
SI units, and for units in general, as listed in earlier chapters of 
this broch ure, is mandatory.  In this way ambiguities and 
misunderstandings in the values of quantities are avoided.

5.4.3 Formatting the value of a quantity

The numerical value always precedes the unit and a space is always used to separate the unit from the number. Thus the value of the quantity is the product of the number and the unit. The space between the number and the unit is regarded as a multiplication sign (just as a space between units implies multiplication). The only exceptions to this rule are for the unit symbols for degree, minute and second for plane angle, °, ′ and ′′, respectively, for which no space is left between the numerical value and the unit symbol.
This rule means that the symbol °C for the degree Celsius is preceded by 
a space when one expresses values of Celsius temperature t.
Even when the value of a quantity is used as an adjective, a space is 
left between the numerical value and the unit symbol.  Only when the 
name of the unit is spelled out would the  ordinary rules of grammar 
apply, so that in English a hyphen would be used to separate the number 
from the unit.
In any expression, only one unit is used. An exception to this rule is 
in expressing the values of time and of plane angles using non-SI units. 
 However, for plane angles it is generally preferable to divide the 
degree decimally.  It is  therefore preferable to write 22.20° rather 
than 22° 12′, except in  fields such as navigation, cartography, 
astronomy, and in the measurement of very small angles.

Sorry for copying the full text, but I preferred to give enough context.

So, from the SI text quoted above, the space is not a word separator in that context (it is for example not allowed to hyphenate between the value and the unit even if it acts as an adjective; the SI disables normal language rules). It is instead a mathematical symbol denoting multiplication, and the whole value+unit is a single mathematical expression; to me, that is better denoted with a single space, rather than an adjustable one.
Therefore, I'd say that it makes more sense in this case to use '\ '.

In view of the above, failing any instruction from a man-pages
maintainer to the contrary, I'd prefer leaving this as is.
In the general case, I prefer \~, but for value+unit I prefer '\ '.
Thank you both!

   With best wishes,



Alejandro Colomar
Linux man-pages comaintainer;

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