Hello https://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man3/malloc.3.html "The free() function frees the memory space pointed to by ptr, which must have been returned by a previous call to malloc(), calloc(), or realloc(). " Could this list refer to the other ways memory can be allocated too? free() accepts other memory. posix_memalign aligned_alloc memalign valloc pvalloc reallocarray That would be changing it to say :- "The free() function frees the memory space pointed to by ptr, which must have been returned by a previous call to malloc(), calloc(), realloc(), posix_memalign(), aligned_alloc(), memalign(), valloc(), reallocarray() or pvalloc()" https://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man3/posix_memalign.3.html Kind regards Jonny