Hi Branden,
On 8/1/21 12:51 PM, G. Branden Robinson wrote:
[CC list brutally trimmed as usual]
Hi Alex!
At 2021-07-31T14:30:49+0200, Alejandro Colomar (man-pages) wrote:
On 7/31/21 11:43 AM, Christian Brauner wrote:
While I'm respectfully ranting, I'd like to say that in an ideal
world we would end up writing rst in the not too distant future just
as we do for the kernel documentation.
This is no comment on your work at all! But groff is a __giant__
__giant__ pain imho.
Agree. :)
Especially since it's something that you don't usually use, except
when writing manual pages, which is not something that you do everyday
(unless you're maintainer of the man pages, that is).
I get frustrated by groff and the man(7) macros, too, though much less
often than I used to, because I've learned enough that the design
principles have become clearer to me, and because when I find actual
bugs, often I can fix them.
I've ended up as a groff/roff/man(7) advocate not because I think
they're perfect but because having watched the development of Unix/Linux
documentation since 1996 I can attest to the truth of the following
stone tablet.
Agree. That's why I doubt very much that we'll ever change to RST (or
any other language). But I'll have to try and make the current
man-pages consistent enough so that people see it easy writing them...
BTW, I started using groff_man(7) to write other documents of mine
replacing LibreOffice (legal documents, for example), and it's really
nice, once you truly understand the language.
Wow! I wouldn't do that and I've revised nearly every line of groff's
man(7) macro package. I mean, I _could_ if ordered to, but there's a
superior alternative right next door, called ms(7). It's what most of
the classic Bell Labs Unix white papers were written (before 1980 or so,
when the Labs started to adopt mm(7)).
I think I tried groff_ms(7), or maybe it was groff_mm(7); I don't
remember. But I didn't like having to learn a new dialect, more so when
there are macros that act differently with the same name.
Since I already know man(7) very well, it's simpler for me to use it
everywhere. But maybe if you send me that document you might convince
me (but I doubt it).
It's something like when I program.
I know C by heart, so I program everything in C.
I never understood that thing of
"use the language appropriate for the job".
With some exceptions,
I don't think there are languages that
are more appropriate to one job than another
(well, of course groff is more appropriate for writing documents than C,
but I mean programming languages,
so let's discard non-programming languages).
There are only languages that you know and
languages that you don't know.
As a person, if I have to speak with many different people,
I use a single language: English;
I don't use the best language for each one (i.e., their mother tongue),
because I wouldn't know how to express myself so well,
and English is the speaking version of C;
there's almost nothing that you can't express in English,
it's simple, and most people know it (at least to a minimum).
So when programming,
I'll also use C for _everything_
as I can express mostly _everything_ with it,
and is probably the simplest and most well-known language out there
(all of its complexity is deferred to the standard library,
other libraries, system calls, compiler extensions, ...,
but the language itself is sooo simple).
I think most languages out there are perfect examples of
BTW, I'm curious, and never knew this: what's the difference between
groff_man(7) and man(7)? They are each a page about groff_man, written
by different authors/projects, right?
Since attaching PDFs to emails destined for linux-man meets with an
ill-fate, hit me up if you're interested in a 22-page document called
ms.ms. It's Larry Kollar's "Using _groff_ with the _ms_ Package". He
originally wrote it in about 2001; he took it out of mothballs at my
request because the groff team decided it would be a good idea to
document the macro package using itself (much as groff_man_style(7)
tries to). (We'd had it documented in the groff Texinfo manual instead,
which some distributors won't ship because it uses some obnoxious
features of the GNU FDL that are not DFSG-free.)
For the past several months I've been revising every section of it to
bring it up to date (and, as it happens, research the history of ms in
ways that were much harder to do 20 years ago, in the days before TUHS).
I've gotten some good feedback on it so far, and I aim to put my name on
it as co-author once I've finished revising every section.
A _lot_ of what you know will port from man(7) to ms(7). An exception
I'm sorry to point out is the font styling macros, which share some of
the same names but have different semantics with respect to positional
That's what I don't like
You'll also see some features, like keeps, and may wonder,
as I do, why we don't have them in man(7).
Anyway, hit me up if you want this document and I'll shoot it your way.
Or if you have Groff Git HEAD checked out, you'll find it you can build
it yourself. :)
Yup, please send it. :)
I genuinely like writing documentation because it gives me time to
think about the semantics I put into code. But I hate writing
manpages or rather dread writing them because I know I'm going to be
losing hours or a day not on content but on formatting. And then
rounds of reviews with subtle differences between .I and .IR and
whatnot. As a developer and maintainer I can't usually afford losing
that much time which means I postpone writing manpages especially
complex ones such as this.
This was written by Christian, but you removed him from the CC list :)
Font styling bedevils nearly everyone to some extent. If it's
excessively frustrating, I would use only the .B and .I macros on a
first pass, and let the formatter insert extra spaces initially.
Let's take the instant case for an example. You knew you wanted roman
parentheses and "struct mount_attr" in italics. So type exactly that,
hitting return every time the font needs to change. It also harms
nothing to put all the arguments to a single-font macro in one set of
double-quotes, making one argument to the macro; this is similar to the
.I "struct mount_attr"
Later, when the page is nearing completion and it's time to boil off
those pesky extra spaces, you can return to this trio of lines, and
"Okay, I need <R>oman first, then <I>talics, followed by roman again.
Roman, then Italics.
= =
That means you want the "RI" font alternation macro.
.RI ( "struct mount_attr" )
This condenses it into one line, with a roman left parenthesis, the data
type in italics, and then a roman right parenthesis. No extra space.
man(7) only gives you three font styles to work with, so there are six
font style alternation macros.
They all work precisely analogously.
Does this help?
In revising the groff man pages over the past four years I've learned to
my shock that even there, some page authors seem not to know that all
six of those macros exist. They tie themselves in knots trying to get
what they want with a subset, and the result is usually ugly at least in
source form--sometimes in formatted output, too.
Yup, I know all of them by heart :)
I already tried to make sure to use semantic newlines. I'll try to
go over this once more now but I'm reluctant to send a v3 just
because of that in case I should miss any. Especially since I've
just recently seen manpages get an ack where that requirement wasn't
fulfilled. An automatic formatter for this scenario would be
Okay, I don't know how to write such an automatic formatter (and also
don't have the time to write such a complex thing), but maybe Branden
knows if such a thing exists.
I've heard good things about pandoc but have not tried it myself, let
alone carefully evaluated the quality of its man(7) output.
Frankly, the quality of much auto-generated man(7) output is abysmal and
no doubt contributed to the macro language's poor reputation. People
view the source of a man page produced by docbook-to-man, for example,
and rightly recoil in horror. Unfortunately they don't understand that
they're looking at the *roff equivalent of Obfuscated C.
I guess. I don't like autogenerated code in any language. I never
tried checkpatch.pl's auto fix for the same reasons.
Just today I was working on the "Notes" section of groff_man_style(7),
and came across a generator I'd never heard of called "Ronn"[1]. It's
been defunct for many years, but the lousy man(7) markup in produced in
pages like texdoc(1) has persisted long after it.
But it's better than docbook-to-man. What wouldn't be?
[1] https://github.com/rtomayko/ronn
Alejandro Colomar
Linux man-pages comaintainer; https://www.kernel.org/doc/man-pages/