Hi, I'm documenting the system data types in the man-pages, and I was writing now about these types. I'm showing below both the rendered output and the source I have right now. Would you add anything to it? And I have some questions: Is 'signed __int128' a valid thing, and if so is it completely equivalent to '__int128'? Is the GCC version correct? There's no implementation where 'long long' is 128 bits yet, right? Thanks, Alex Rendered output: [[ __int128 A signed integer type of a fixed width of exactly 128 bits. According to GNU, it is supported only for targets which have an integer mode wide enough to hold 128 bits. Bugs: It is not possible to express an integer constant of type __int128 in implementations where long long is less than 128 bits wide. Conforming to: GCC 4.6.0 and later. Notes: This type is available without including any header. See also the intmax_t, intN_t and unsigned __int128 types in this page. [...] unsigned __int128 An unsigned integer type of a fixed width of exactly 128 bits. According to GNU, it is supported only for targets which have an integer mode wide enough to hold 128 bits. Bugs: It is not possible to express an integer constant of type unsigned __int128 in implementations where unsigned long long is less than 128 bits wide. Conforming to: GCC 4.6.0 and later. Notes: This type is available without including any header. See also the __int128, uintmax_t and uintN_t types in this page. ]] Source: [[ .\"------------------------------------- __int128 ---------------------/ .TP .I __int128 .RS A signed integer type of a fixed width of exactly 128 bits. .PP According to GNU, it is supported only for targets which have an integer mode wide enough to hold 128 bits. .PP Bugs: It is not possible to express an integer constant of type .I __int128 in implementations where .I long long is less than 128 bits wide. .PP Conforming to: GCC 4.6.0 and later. .PP Notes: This type is available without including any header. .PP See also the .IR intmax_t , .IR int N _t and .I unsigned __int128 types in this page. .RE [...] .\"------------------------------------- unsigned __int128 ------------/ .TP .I unsigned __int128 .RS An unsigned integer type of a fixed width of exactly 128 bits. .PP According to GNU, it is supported only for targets which have an integer mode wide enough to hold 128 bits. .PP Bugs: It is not possible to express an integer constant of type .I unsigned __int128 in implementations where .I unsigned long long is less than 128 bits wide. .PP Conforming to: GCC 4.6.0 and later. .PP Notes: This type is available without including any header. .PP See also the .IR __int128 , .I uintmax_t and .IR uint N _t types in this page. .RE ]]