I see the fragment: A section header table index is a subscript into this array. Some section header table indices are reserved: the initial entry and the indices between SHN_LORESERVE and SHN_HIRESERVE. The initial entry is used in ELF extensions for e_phnum, e_shnum and e_strndx; in other cases, each field in the initial entry is set to zero. An object file does not have sections for these special indices: SHN_UNDEF This value marks an undefined, missing, irrelevant, or other‐ wise meaningless section reference. I interpret it like this: A section header table index **(e_shstrndx)** is a subscript into this array. Some section header table indices are reserved: the initial entry **(index 0)** and the indices **from** SHN_LORESERVE **to** SHN_HIRESERVE **, inclusive**. **Such reserved indices, except SHN_XINDEX (0xffff), cannot be used in e_shstrndx. If e_shstrndx is SHN_XINDEX (0xffff) then the sh_link filed of the initial ElfN_Shdr cannot contain such reserved indices.** The **three fields in the** initial entry ** - sh_info, sh_size and sh_link - can be** used in ELF extensions for e_phnum, e_shnum and **e_shstrndx correspondingly**. **If they are not used then they are set to zero. All other fields of the initial entry are set to zero.** **The section header table entries with the following special indices contain special values, and in the ELF file there are no sections associated with such entries.** SHN_UNDEF This value marks an undefined, missing, irrelevant, or other‐ wise meaningless section reference. **This index can be 0 in which case it means the initial ElfN_Shdr with a special meaning described above.** Is such an interpretation correct? --- Join us at C++Now 2020 in May! Robin Kuzmin, CppNow Speaker Liaison, speakers@xxxxxxxxxx. Please allow 2 - 4 days for my reply. Robin Kuzmin, kuzmin.robin@xxxxxxxxx. Please share your expert opinion about my recent posts: * The Build System of My Dream (draft) * Booleans