Greetings! In the man pages, both in Linux and online in multiple sites, the pre and post operators are listed as equal precedence. Two different web sites list them on different levels: Level 1 Level 2 Linux `man operator` list them on the second level, with right to left associativity: Operator Associativity () [] -> . left to right ! ~ ++ -- + - (type) * & sizeof right to left ... Section "A.2.1 Expressions" of both the C99 & C11 C Draft Standards, list them on different levels: postfix ++ & -- on level 1, with left to right associativity prefix ++ & -- on level 2, with right to left associativity Please review this and all the operator precedence and associativity in the current man page "man operator" against the official C99 & C11 Standards documents, plus the current working draft for the next version of the Standard. Please correct me if I am mistaken. References: Debian Linus Testing, Debian 5.2.9-2 (2019-08-21) x86_64 GNU/Linux Thank you! Cheers! Rick Stanley -- RSI (Rick Stanley, Inc.) (917) 822-7771 Computer Systems Consulting Linux & Open Source Specialists