Hello, The http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man3/on_exit.3.html tells: The on_exit() function registers the given function to be called at normal process termination, whether via exit(3) or via return from the program's main(). When I compile and run the following code return from main() does not seem to do what manual page is telling. Is this a bug in manual or in glibc? $ cat test.c #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> struct data { int argc; char *argv; }; static void run_on_exit(int exit_val __attribute__((__unused__)), void *arg) { const struct data *ctl = (struct data *)arg; printf("on_exit: %d & %s\n", ctl->argc, ctl->argv); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { struct data ctl = { .argc = argc, .argv = argv[0] }; printf("argc: %d & %s\n", ctl.argc, ctl.argv); on_exit(run_on_exit, &ctl); if (1 < argc) exit(0); return 0; } $ ./a.out foobar argc: 2 & ./a.out on_exit: 2 & ./a.out $ ./a.out argc: 1 & ./a.out on_exit: -168651984 & (null) Above run is copy-paste from up to date (2019-03-31) Archlinux, that has following glibc version. $ pacman -Qi glibc Name : glibc Version : 2.28-5 -- Sami Kerola http://www.iki.fi/kerolasa/