Re: [PATCH] semi-automatic consistency checks

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On 05/20/2014 02:00 AM, Rasmus Villemoes wrote:
> Most SYNOPSES are almost compilable as-is. Doing so may cause the
> compiler to barf something about conflicting prototypes, which means
> that we've found an inconsistency between the man-pages and the
> installed headers. One then needs to manually check (e.g., consulting
> POSIX, the linux kernel or some other source) who's right.
> This script is an attempt at automating the task of extracting the
> synopsis, removing non-code phrases which are present in many
> synopses, and running gcc on the result. All temporary files are
> created in /tmp/somedir; if a particular man-page passes with no
> remarks, those are automatically cleaned up. Otherwise, we leave them
> for the user to inspect.
> I'm not sure whether it is worth including in the git repository, but
> since I just had an rm -rf accident followed by a successful first
> experience with extundelete, I want to make sure that these bits reach
> a machine where my stupid fingers can't touch them.

Thanks for this script Rasmus. I'll save it for later use.
A question (which you may or may not be interested in ;-)):
How feasible do you think it would be to write a script that
tells me the FTM requirements for a given API? (Note that the
answer will very across glibc versions, so such a script would 
need as input both header files and and some glibc-version-specific
table mapping the __USE internal macros back to FTM settings.



> Signed-off-by: Rasmus Villemoes <rv@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> ---
>  scripts/check_proto_arch.txt |   3 +
>  scripts/check_proto_skip.txt |  44 +++++++++
>  scripts/  | 223 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
>  3 files changed, 270 insertions(+)
>  create mode 100644 scripts/check_proto_arch.txt
>  create mode 100644 scripts/check_proto_skip.txt
>  create mode 100755 scripts/
> diff --git a/scripts/check_proto_arch.txt b/scripts/check_proto_arch.txt
> new file mode 100644
> index 0000000..568557e
> --- /dev/null
> +++ b/scripts/check_proto_arch.txt
> @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
> +perfmonctl.2	IA-64
> +spu_create.2	ppc
> +spu_run.2	ppc
> diff --git a/scripts/check_proto_skip.txt b/scripts/check_proto_skip.txt
> new file mode 100644
> index 0000000..7d4b4ff
> --- /dev/null
> +++ b/scripts/check_proto_skip.txt
> @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
> +# The usual conventions: Empty lines and lines starting with # are
> +# ignored. Other lines are supposed to contain key-value pairs for the
> +# %skip hash. The key is a man-page to skip, the value is optional and
> +# can for example be a comment explaining why we skip it.
> +
> +_syscall.2
> +arch_prctl.2
> +bdflush.2
> +
> +eventfd.2	<>
> +
> +# nmask is not const, and addr is unsigned long, not void*.
> +get_mempolicy.2	numactl
> +
> +# keyutils.h should include <sys/types.h>, since it uses uid_t, gid_t,
> +# size_t
> +add_key.2	libkeyutils 
> +request_key.2	libkeyutils 
> +keyctl.2	libkeyutils
> +
> +# prctl() is really a varargs function
> +prctl.2
> +# ptrace() is really a varargs function
> +ptrace.2
> +reboot.2
> +# There's no reasonable way to check setpgid.2 automatically...
> +setpgid.2
> +recvmmsg.2	<>
> +
> +# Can't check pseudo-prototypes for macros assert{,_perror}
> +assert.3
> +assert_perror.3
> +
> +cfree.3
> +# Can't check pseudo-prototypes for macros CMSG_*
> +cmsg.3
> +
> +# htobe16 and friends are really macros
> +endian.3
> +
> +# macros
> +fpclassify.3
> +
> +finite.3
> diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
> new file mode 100755
> index 0000000..f5d00c4
> --- /dev/null
> +++ b/scripts/
> @@ -0,0 +1,223 @@
> +#!/usr/bin/perl
> +#
> +# File:
> +# Time-stamp: <2014-05-20 01:30:47 villemoes>
> +# Author: Rasmus Villemoes
> +#
> +# Usage: ./ ../man[23]/some_man_pages
> +#
> +# The basic idea behind the script is rather simple: Extract the
> +# SYNOPSIS from the man-page, remove text which is often present, and
> +# hope that the remainder is valid C. Try to compile it, and if gcc
> +# complains, it may be because the prototypes in the SYNOPSIS does not
> +# match those provided by the #included header files.
> +
> +use strict;
> +use warnings;
> +
> +use File::Temp qw/ tempfile tempdir /;
> +use File::Basename;
> +use File::Slurp;
> +use List::Util qw/max/;
> +
> +my $verbose = 2;
> +my $tmpd = tempdir("manpagecheck_XXXXXX", TMPDIR => 1, CLEANUP => 0);
> +my $CC = "gcc";
> +
> +
> +my %has_header_cache = ();
> +sub has_header {
> +    my $h = shift;
> +    return $has_header_cache{$h} if exists $has_header_cache{$h};
> +
> +    # Check the obvious place first.
> +    if (-r "/usr/include/$h") {
> +	$has_header_cache{$h} = 1;
> +	return 1;
> +    }
> +    # Now ask gcc.
> +    my $cfile = "${tmpd}/check_header.c";
> +    write_file($cfile, "#include <${h}>\n")
> +	or die "error writing temporary file $cfile: $!";
> +    system("${CC} -E ${cfile} > /dev/null 2> /dev/null");
> +    $has_header_cache{$h} = ($? == 0);
> +    unlink $cfile;
> +    return $has_header_cache{$h};
> +}
> +
> +
> +sub msg {
> +    my $pri = shift;
> +    return if $verbose < $pri;
> +    my $fmt = shift;
> +    my $s = sprintf $fmt, @_;
> +    $s .= "\n" unless $s =~ m/\n$/;
> +    print STDOUT $s;
> +};
> +
> +
> +sub read_hash {
> +    my $href = shift;
> +    my $file = shift;
> +    return unless -e $file;
> +    open(my $fh, '<', $file)
> +	or die "unable to open $file: $!";
> +    while (<$fh>) {
> +	chomp;
> +	s/^\s+//;
> +	next if $_ eq '';
> +	next if m/^#/;
> +	my ($key, $val) = split /\s+/, $_, 2;
> +	$href->{$key} = $val;
> +    }
> +}
> +
> +# I skip some pages: In some cases, the interface is so messy
> +# (e.g. conflicting definitions by multiple standards, or some
> +# mysterious varargs function) that automatic checking is
> +# pointless. But it may also be the header files which are wrong; in
> +# some of those cases I've submitted a bug report to the appropriate
> +# instance.
> +my %skip;
> +my $skipfile = 'check_proto_skip.txt';
> +read_hash(\%skip, $skipfile);
> +
> +# Also hardcode a few arch-only syscalls.
> +# fixme: figure out a way to ensure $arch is "normalized" to one of "ia-64", "ppc", "x86_64", ...
> +my $arch = lc(qx(uname -p));
> +my %arch_only;
> +my $archfile = 'check_proto_arch.txt';
> +read_hash(\%arch_only, $archfile);
> +
> +
> +# Some synopses need a little tweaking before they are valid C.
> +my %tweaks;
> +
> +# remove the raw syscall prototype
> +$tweaks{'clone.2'} = sub { $_[0] =~ s/long clone\([^()]*\);//; };
> +
> +# remove partial struct definition.
> +$tweaks{'sched_setparam.2'} = sub { $_[0] =~ s/struct sched_param \{[^{}]+\};//; };
> +$tweaks{'swapon.2'} = sub { $_[0] =~ s/^\s*#include <asm\/page\.h>.*$//m; };
> +$tweaks{'open.2'} = sub {
> +    # open and openat are actually varargs functions, but creat is not.
> +    $_[0] =~ s/(open(?:at)?\(.*)mode_t mode/$1.../g;
> +    $_[0] =~ s/int open(?:at)?\(.*flags\)//g;
> +};
> +$tweaks{'open_by_handle_at.2'} = sub { $_[0] =~ s/^/struct file_handle;\n/; };
> +
> +# Remove the pseudo-prototypes of the function-like macros FD_*.
> +$tweaks{'select.2'} = $tweaks{'select_tut.2'}
> +    = sub { $_[0] =~ s/^\s*(int|void)\s+FD_[A-Z]+\(.*\);\s*$//mg; };
> +
> +$tweaks{'des_crypt.3'} = sub { $_[0] =~ s/^\s*int\s+DES_FAILED.*//m; };
> +
> +$tweaks{'exec.3'} = sub { $_[0] =~ s/\Q..., char * const envp[]\E/.../; };
> +
> +# Some interfaces are defined in terms of e.g. __pid_t, and only if
> +# sys/types.h is included does one get the appropriate typedefs. To
> +# avoid cluttering the man-pages with #include <sys/types.h>, we just
> +# fake it.
> +sub include_sys_types { $_[0] =~ s@^@#include <sys/types.h>\n@; }
> +$tweaks{'getrlimit.2'} = \&include_sys_types;
> +$tweaks{'getdirentries.3'} = \&include_sys_types;
> +
> +
> +my @trouble = ();
> +
> +for my $f (@ARGV) {
> +    my $base = basename($f);
> +
> +    next if (-s $f < 100); # crude check for a man link
> +    if (exists $skip{$base}) {
> +	msg(2, "skipping %s: %s", $f, $skip{$base} // "explicitly excluded");
> +	next;
> +    }
> +    if (exists $arch_only{$base} && $arch ne lc($arch_only{$base})) {
> +	msg(2, "skipping %s: %s only", $f, $arch_only{$base});
> +	next;
> +    }
> +
> +    # fixme: is there a better way to get the man-page stripped of all formatting?
> +    my $manpage = qx/MANWIDTH=2000 man $f/;
> +    if (!($manpage =~ m/SYNOPSIS(.*?)DESCRIPTION/s)) {
> +	msg(1, "skipping %s: missing SYNOPSIS\n", $f);
> +	next;
> +    };
> +    my $synops = $1;
> +
> +    # Remove text which is present in some synopses. Matching against
> +    # rather specific strings helps to ensure that a consistent style
> +    # is used throughout the man-pages (because if some text is not
> +    # removed by this, gcc will complain).
> +    $synops =~ s/^\s*Feature Test Macro Requirements for.*//sm;
> +    $synops =~ s/^\s*Link with -l.*\.\s*$//m;
> +    $synops =~ s/^\s*Each of these requires linking with -l.*\.\s*$//m; # encrypt.3 uses this wording
> +    $synops =~ s/^\s*Note: There (is|are) no glibc wrappers? for th(is|ese) system calls?; see NOTES\.\s*$//m;
> +    $synops =~ s/^\s*See NOTES for information on feature test macro requirements\.\s*$//m;
> +
> +    # If the synopsis mentions _GNU_SOURCE, we define it to check as
> +    # much as possible. But we don't unconditionally define it: We get
> +    # a sort-of false positive for some files (getitimer.2,
> +    # getrlimit.2 etc.), since various headers play a game with
> +    # typedef'ing __foobar_t as an enum type if __USE_GNU, and int
> +    # otherwise.
> +    my $gnu_source = ($synops =~ s/^\s*#define _GNU_SOURCE\b.*//m) ? '-D_GNU_SOURCE' : '';
> +    my $xopen_source = 0;
> +    while ($synops =~ s/^\s*#define _XOPEN_SOURCE (\b[0-9]+\b)?.*//m) {
> +	$xopen_source = max($xopen_source, defined $1 ? $1 : 1);
> +    }
> +    $xopen_source = $xopen_source ? "-D_XOPEN_SOURCE=${xopen_source}" : '';
> +    my $bsd_source = ($synops =~ s/^\s*#define _BSD_SOURCE\b.*//m) ? '-D_BSD_SOURCE' : '';
> +
> +    # Apply individual tweaks.
> +    $tweaks{$base}($synops) if exists $tweaks{$base};
> +
> +    # Find all needed headers.
> +    my @headers = ($synops =~ m/#include <([^>]+)>/g);
> +    if (!@headers) {
> +	msg(1, "skipping %s: no header files mentioned in SYNOPSIS\n", $f);
> +	next;
> +    }
> +    my @missing_headers = grep {!has_header($_)} @headers;
> +    if (@missing_headers) {
> +	msg(1, "skipping %s: missing header file(s) %s\n", $f, join(",", @missing_headers));
> +	next;
> +    }
> +
> +    my $cfile = "${tmpd}/${base}.c";
> +    my $auxfile = "${tmpd}/${base}.aux";
> +    my $outfile = "${tmpd}/${base}.out";
> +    my $errfile = "${tmpd}/${base}.err";
> +    my $cmdfile = "${tmpd}/${base}.cmdline";
> +
> +    my $cmdline = "${CC} ${gnu_source} ${xopen_source} ${bsd_source} " .
> +	"-aux-info ${auxfile} -c -o /dev/null ${cfile} > ${outfile} 2> ${errfile}";
> +    write_file($cfile, $synops)
> +	or die "error writing temporary file $cfile: $!";
> +    write_file($cmdfile, $cmdline . "\n")
> +	or die "error writing temporary file $cmdfile: $!";
> +
> +    system($cmdline);
> +
> +    if ($? == 0 && -s $errfile == 0) {
> +    	unlink $cfile, $auxfile, $outfile, $errfile, $cmdfile
> +    	    or die "error cleaning up: $!";
> +    }
> +    else {
> +	push @trouble, $base;
> +    }
> +}
> +
> +if (@trouble) {
> +    print "Problems encountered with the following files:\n";
> +    for (@trouble) {
> +	print "  $_\n";
> +    }
> +    print "The files in the directory ${tmpd} contain the details.\n";
> +}
> +else {
> +    rmdir $tmpd;
> +}
> +
> +

Michael Kerrisk
Linux man-pages maintainer;
Linux/UNIX System Programming Training:
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