Gidday, The Linux man-pages maintainer proudly announces: man-pages-2.67.tar.gz - man pages for Linux This release is now available for download at: or You are receiving this message either because: a) You contributed to the content of this release. b) you are subscribed to linux-man@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (*). c) I have information (possibly inaccurate) that you are the maintainer of a translation of the manual pages, or are the maintainer of the manual pages set in a particular distribution, or have expressed interest in helping with man-pages maintenance, or have otherwise expressed interest in being notified about man-pages releases. If you don't want to receive such messages from me, or you know of some other translator or maintainer who may want to receive such notifications, send me a message. Cheers, Michael (man-pages maintenance is supported by Google, as a Google engineer 20% project.) (*) linux-man@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx is the man pages discussion list. Subscribe by sending a message to majordomo@xxxxxxxxxx, with the body: subscribe linux-man ==================== Changes in man-pages-2.67 ==================== Released: 2007-10-08 Contributors ------------ The following people contributed notes, ideas, or patches that have been incorporated in changes in this release: Andi Kleen <andi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> Andrew Josey <a.josey@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> Maxime Vaudequin <maxime.vaudequin@xxxxxxxxx> Apologies if I missed anyone! Global changes -------------- *.1p *.3p mtk, after a note by Andi Kleen and consultation with Andrew Josey. Add a PROLOG section: This manual page is part of the POSIX Programmer's Manual. The Linux implementation of this interface may differ (consult the corresponding Linux manual page for details of Linux behavior), or the interface may not be implemented on Linux. *.0p *.1p *.3p mtk Some formatting fixes, mostly to get rid of unwanted spaces before "," in formatted output. * */* mtk Change all occurrences of my email address: s/mtk-manpages@xxxxxxx/mtk.manpages@xxxxxxxxx/ Many many pages Maxime Vaudequin I noticed useless use of macros with alternating formatting (".IR" instead ".I" which suffices, ".BR" instead ".B", etc.) because there is only one element. For example in ldconfig.8: -.BR /sbin/ldconfig +.B /sbin/ldconfig This is not very important, it only makes the sources more tidy. To find these I used: egrep '^\.(B[RI]|R[IB]|I[RB]) ([^ ]+|\"[^\"]\+\")$' And if you want to make these changes, you can use: sed 's/^\(\.[BRI]\)[BRI]\( \([^ ]\+\|\"[^\"]\+\"\)\)$/\1\2/g' -- Michael Kerrisk maintainer of Linux man pages Sections 2, 3, 4, 5, and 7 Want to help with man page maintenance? Grab the latest tarball at read the HOWTOHELP file and grep the source files for 'FIXME'. - To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe linux-man" in the body of a message to majordomo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx More majordomo info at