There are problems in fp_fsqrt when using the fp_one constant. fp_one is declared as static const struct fp_ext fp_one = { .exp = 0x3fff, }; So, despite the comment, this is not normalized (the explicit bit is not set). This will have the effect that it is changed to zero, when fp_dyadic_check is called in the entry of fp_add. So this call does not only have no effect, it will also modify the constant. And even if that is changed, fp_add will also write to it: 848e076317446f9c663771ddec142d7c2eb4cb43/arch/m68k/math-emu/fp_arith.c#L90: dest->lowmant = src->lowmant = 0; And 2 lines later, the call to fp_denormalize(src, diff); will also modify the src argument. Wouldn't that crash the kernel, if it tries to write to a write-protected section?