On Mon, 4 Nov 2019, Brad Boyer wrote:
I'll try the PB190 first anyway. It should be easier due to not needing
to setup a monitor.
I think you can put the 630 into a standard VESA video mode (with MacOS or
Linux) given the right adapter/cable. I have a pin-out somewhere.
I'm not sure if I ever booted Linux on either of them, since I acquired
both about the time I started getting too busy to spend time on such
things. I just found the Performa, and it's actually a Performa 630CD
but I don't see any obvious difference based on the specs.
I just took a look at the macide driver, and it appears to do basically
nothing other than pass a list of addresses into the core ide code. It's
one of the smallest drivers I've ever seen.
The fly in the ointment is interrupt handling. There is a theoretical bug.
(Though it doesn't seem to hurt in practice.)
AFAIK the hardware is publicly undocumented and so we need to do
experiments like this:
My suspicion is that macide_clear_irq() does nothing useful. It's not
called on a Powerbook 190. Maybe it is needed on a PowerBook 150 and
Performa 630, maybe not...
But watch out for leaking capacitors and batteries...
I should pull out every machine in my collection and look for those
sorts of issues. None of them have been checked in at least 5 or 6
None of the machines in my collection have any batteries now. Desoldering
the Ni-Cd PRAM battery from a Powerbook 14x/16x/170/180 is difficult but
necessary. Powerbook 150 and 190 are easier (no desoldering needed).
Brad Boyer