Michael Schmitz dixit:
Ah, there they are ;) I�ve NMU�d the m68k bootstraps (Atari, Amiga, VMS,
I don't think VMS was m68k based :-) VME is what we have.
Yeah, obvious typo ☺
The code doesn't change very fast if at all so the packaging doesn't
need to.
Debian changes, though… not much, and not fast, but it does.
place the kernel in FastRAM. Never got the cross compiler setup sorted
Maybe this helps?
deb https://www.freewrt.org/~tg/debs68k/ cross main
That one contains binutils, gcc-4.4, eglibc and linux-libc-dev stuff
for cross-compiling from sid/amd64 to sid/m68k.
Geert has a git clone of the repo so it could be either CVS or git. I
don't mind either way - a home box would be OK, we just need to make
sure cvs.linux-m68k points that way.
I can do CVS if I get a dump of the repo (i.e. the ,v files), but
won’t touch that git thingy ;-) I don’t mind either way. Just an
13:22⎜«neurodamage» mira, what's up man? I have a CVS question for you in #cvs
13:22⎜«neurodamage» since you're so good w. it │ «neurodamage:#cvs» i love you
13:28⎜«neurodamage:#cvs» you're a handy guy to have around for systems stuff ☺
16:06⎜<Draget:#cvs> Thank god I found you =) 20:03│«bioe007:#cvs» mira2k: ty
17:14⎜<ldiain:#cvs> Thanks big help you are :-) <bioe007> mira|nwt: ty again
18:35⎜«alturiak:#cvs» mirabilos: aw, nice. thanks :o
18:36⎜«ThunderChicken:#cvs» mirabilos FTW! 23:03⎜«mithraic:#cvs» aaah. thanks
18:41⎜«alturiak:#cvs» phew. thanks a bunch, guys. you just made my weekend :-)
18:10⎜«sumit:#cvs» mirabilos: oh ok.. thanks for that
21:57⎜<bhuey:#cvs> yeah, I really appreciate help
18:50⎜«grndlvl:#cvs» thankyou 18:50⎜«grndlvl:#cvs» worked perfectly
20:50⎜<paolo:#cvs> i see. mirabilos, thnks for your support
00:36⎜«halirutan:#cvs» ok, the obvious way:-) thx
18:44⎜«arcfide:#cvs» mirabilos, I am running OpenBSD. 18:59⎜«arcfide:#cvs»
Hrm, yes, I see what you mean. 19:01⎜«arcfide:#cvs» Yeah, thanks for the help.
21:33⎜«CardinalFang:#cvs» Ugh. Okay. Sorry for the dumb question. Thank you
21:34⎜<centosian:#cvs> mirabilos: whoa that's sweet
21:52⎜«garrett__:#cvs» much appreciated «garrett__:#cvs» thanks for your time
23:39⎜<symons:#cvs> this worked, thank you very much 16:26⎜<schweizer:#cvs> ok
thx, i'll try that 20:00⎜«stableable:#cvs» Thank you. 20:50⎜«s833:#cvs»
mirabilos: thanks a lot. 19:34⎜<bobbytek:#cvs> Thanks for confirming :)
20:08⎜<tsolox:#cvs> ...works like a charm.. thanks mirabilos
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