Re: How to get m68k sources?

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2009/4/12 Kolbjørn Barmen <linux-m68k@xxxxxxxx>:
On Sat, 11 Apr 2009, Andreas Schwab wrote:

Geert Uytterhoeven <geert@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

2.6.29 development is done on branch `m68k-v2.6.29', use

    git checkout m68k-v2.6.29
Well, noone says this, but obviously one has to step into the "linux-m68k"
directory one first "cloned" to do this... so "cd linux-m68k", and then...

After cloning the repository you first have to create the tracking
m68k-v2.6.29 branch:

$ git checkout -t origin/m68k-v2.6.29
did you test this?

[kolla@haugum] /home/kolla/linux-m68k $ git checkout -t origin/m68k-v2.6.29
fatal: git checkout: --track and --no-track require -b

So after some fumbling...

[kolla@haugum] /home/kolla/linux-m68k $ git checkout -t -b origin/m68k-v2.6.29
Branch origin/m68k-v2.6.29 set up to track local branch refs/heads/master.
Switched to a new branch "origin/m68k-v2.6.29"
Ah, so it created a branch `origin/m68k-v2.6.29' to track the local `master',
while the intention was to create a local `m68k-v2.6.29' branch, to track the
remote `origin/m68k-v2.6.29' branch...

But so what - git tells me I have switched to new branch, but where is it?
`git branch -a' will tell you...

I have not received anything, nor do I have any new files, and...
You don't have to get new files to create a new branch.
Besides, you already got all the files for the `origin/..' branches during the

[kolla@haugum] /home/kolla/linux-m68k $ git checkout m68k-v2.6.29
error: pathspec 'm68k-v2.6.29' did not match any file(s) known to git.

[kolla@haugum] /home/kolla/linux-m68k $ git checkout origin/m68k-v2.6.29
warning: refname 'origin/m68k-v2.6.29' is ambiguous.
Already on "origin/m68k-v2.6.29"

[kolla@haugum] /home/kolla/linux-m68k $ git status | cat
# On branch origin/m68k-v2.6.29
nothing to commit (working directory clean)

[kolla@haugum] /home/kolla/linux-m68k $ git pull
From .
 * branch            master     -> FETCH_HEAD
Already up-to-date.

[kolla@haugum] /home/kolla/linux-m68k $ head -n5 Makefile
NAME = Temporary Tasmanian Devil

Obviously not 2.6.29...
Yeah, this is all `master', i.e. current development...



Geert Uytterhoeven -- There's lots of Linux beyond ia32 -- geert@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

In personal conversations with technical people, I call myself a hacker. But
when I'm talking to journalists I just say "programmer" or something like that.
							    -- Linus Torvalds
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