Re: [PATCH v2 2/2] leds: tps6131x: add support for Texas Instruments TPS6131X flash LED driver

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Hi Krzysztof,

thank you very much for your review!

Am 19.03.2025 um 10:03 schrieb Krzysztof Kozlowski:
On Tue, Mar 18, 2025 at 08:28:58AM +0100, Matthias Fend wrote:
+static int tps6131x_reset_chip(struct tps6131x *tps6131x)
+	int ret;
+	if (IS_ERR_OR_NULL(tps6131x->reset_gpio)) {

No, only check for non-null, see comment in probe().


+		ret = regmap_update_bits(tps6131x->regmap, TPS6131X_REG_0, TPS6131X_REG_0_RESET,
+					 TPS6131X_REG_0_RESET);
+		if (ret)
+			return ret;
+		fsleep(100);
+		ret = regmap_update_bits(tps6131x->regmap, TPS6131X_REG_0, TPS6131X_REG_0_RESET, 0);
+		if (ret)
+			return ret;
+	} else {
+		gpiod_set_value_cansleep(tps6131x->reset_gpio, 1);
+		fsleep(10);
+		gpiod_set_value_cansleep(tps6131x->reset_gpio, 0);
+		fsleep(100);
+	}
+	return 0;
+static int tps6131x_init_chip(struct tps6131x *tps6131x)
+	u32 reg4, reg5, reg6;
+	int ret;
+	reg4 = tps6131x->valley_current_limit ? TPS6131X_REG_4_ILIM : 0;
+	ret = regmap_write(tps6131x->regmap, TPS6131X_REG_4, reg4);
+	if (ret)
+		return ret;
+	if (tps6131x->chan1_en)
+		reg5 |= TPS6131X_REG_5_ENLED1;
+	if (tps6131x->chan2_en)
+		reg5 |= TPS6131X_REG_5_ENLED2;
+	if (tps6131x->chan3_en)
+		reg5 |= TPS6131X_REG_5_ENLED3;
+	ret = regmap_write(tps6131x->regmap, TPS6131X_REG_5, reg5);
+	if (ret)
+		return ret;
+	reg6 = TPS6131X_REG_6_ENTS;
+	ret = regmap_write(tps6131x->regmap, TPS6131X_REG_6, reg6);
+	if (ret)
+		return ret;
+	return 0;
+static int tps6131x_set_mode(struct tps6131x *tps6131x, enum tps6131x_mode mode, bool force)
+	u8 val;
+	val = mode << TPS6131X_REG_1_MODE_SHIFT;
+	return regmap_update_bits_base(tps6131x->regmap, TPS6131X_REG_1, TPS6131X_REG_1_MODE, val,
+				       NULL, false, force);
+static void tps6131x_torch_refresh_handler(struct work_struct *work)
+	struct tps6131x *tps6131x = container_of(work, struct tps6131x,;
+	guard(mutex)(&tps6131x->lock);
+	tps6131x_set_mode(tps6131x, TPS6131X_MODE_TORCH, true);
+	schedule_delayed_work(&tps6131x->torch_refresh_work,
+static int tps6131x_brightness_set(struct led_classdev *cdev, enum led_brightness brightness)
+	struct led_classdev_flash *fled_cdev = lcdev_to_flcdev(cdev);
+	struct tps6131x *tps6131x = fled_cdev_to_tps6131x(fled_cdev);
+	u32 num_chans;
+	u32 steps_chan13, steps_chan2;
+	u32 steps_remaining;
+	u8 reg0;
+	int ret;
+	cancel_delayed_work_sync(&tps6131x->torch_refresh_work);
+	guard(mutex)(&tps6131x->lock);
+	/*
+	 * The brightness parameter uses the number of current steps as the unit (not the current
+	 * value itself). Since the reported step size can vary depending on the configuration,
+	 * this value must be converted into actual register steps.
+	 */
+	steps_remaining = (brightness * tps6131x->step_torch_current_ma) / TPS6131X_TORCH_STEP_I_MA;
+	num_chans = tps6131x->chan1_en + tps6131x->chan2_en + tps6131x->chan3_en;
+	/*
+	 * The currents are distributed as evenly as possible across the activated channels.
+	 * Since channels 1 and 3 share the same register setting, they always use the same current
+	 * value. Channel 2 supports higher currents and thus takes over the remaining additional
+	 * portion that cannot be covered by the other channels.
+	 */
+	steps_chan13 = min_t(u32, steps_remaining / num_chans,
+	if (tps6131x->chan1_en)
+		steps_remaining -= steps_chan13;
+	if (tps6131x->chan3_en)
+		steps_remaining -= steps_chan13;
+	steps_chan2 = min_t(u32, steps_remaining,
+	reg0 = (steps_chan13 << TPS6131X_REG_0_DCLC13_SHIFT) |
+	       (steps_chan2 << TPS6131X_REG_0_DCLC2_SHIFT);

Looks like guard should start here... or you are not synchronizing
hardware access but more.

I just found it clearer to have the lock at the beginning.
But of course, I can easily move the lock to this position.

+	ret = regmap_update_bits(tps6131x->regmap, TPS6131X_REG_0,
+				 TPS6131X_REG_0_DCLC13 | TPS6131X_REG_0_DCLC2, reg0);
+	if (ret < 0)
+		return ret;
+	ret = tps6131x_set_mode(tps6131x, brightness ? TPS6131X_MODE_TORCH : TPS6131X_MODE_SHUTDOWN,
+				true);
+	if (ret < 0)
+		return ret;
+	/*
+	 * In order to use both the flash and the video light functions purely via the I2C
+	 * interface, STRB1 must be low. If STRB1 is low, then the video light watchdog timer
+	 * is also active, which puts the device into the shutdown state after around 13 seconds.
+	 * To prevent this, the mode must be refreshed within the watchdog timeout.
+	 */
+	if (brightness)
+		schedule_delayed_work(&tps6131x->torch_refresh_work,
+	return 0;
+static int tps6131x_strobe_set(struct led_classdev_flash *fled_cdev, bool state)
+	struct tps6131x *tps6131x = fled_cdev_to_tps6131x(fled_cdev);
+	int ret;
+	guard(mutex)(&tps6131x->lock);
+	ret = tps6131x_set_mode(tps6131x, state ? TPS6131X_MODE_FLASH : TPS6131X_MODE_SHUTDOWN,
+				true);
+	if (ret < 0)
+		return ret;
+	if (state) {
+		ret = regmap_update_bits_base(tps6131x->regmap, TPS6131X_REG_3, TPS6131X_REG_3_SFT,
+					      TPS6131X_REG_3_SFT, NULL, false, true);
+		if (ret)
+			return ret;
+	}
+	ret = regmap_update_bits_base(tps6131x->regmap, TPS6131X_REG_3, TPS6131X_REG_3_SFT, 0, NULL,
+				      false, true);
+	if (ret)
+		return ret;
+	return 0;
+static int tps6131x_flash_brightness_set(struct led_classdev_flash *fled_cdev, u32 brightness)
+	struct tps6131x *tps6131x = fled_cdev_to_tps6131x(fled_cdev);
+	u32 num_chans;
+	u32 steps_chan13, steps_chan2;
+	u32 steps_remaining;
+	int ret;
+	guard(mutex)(&tps6131x->lock);
+	steps_remaining = brightness / TPS6131X_FLASH_STEP_I_MA;
+	num_chans = tps6131x->chan1_en + tps6131x->chan2_en + tps6131x->chan3_en;
+	steps_chan13 = min_t(u32, steps_remaining / num_chans,
+	if (tps6131x->chan1_en)
+		steps_remaining -= steps_chan13;
+	if (tps6131x->chan3_en)
+		steps_remaining -= steps_chan13;
+	steps_chan2 = min_t(u32, steps_remaining,

Same here


+	ret = regmap_update_bits(tps6131x->regmap, TPS6131X_REG_2, TPS6131X_REG_2_FC13,
+				 steps_chan13 << TPS6131X_REG_2_FC13_SHIFT);
+	if (ret < 0)
+		return ret;
+	ret = regmap_update_bits(tps6131x->regmap, TPS6131X_REG_1, TPS6131X_REG_1_FC2,
+				 steps_chan2 << TPS6131X_REG_1_FC2_SHIFT);
+	if (ret < 0)
+		return ret;
+	fled_cdev->brightness.val = brightness;
+	return 0;
+static int tps6131x_flash_timeout_set(struct led_classdev_flash *fled_cdev, u32 timeout_us)
+	const struct tps6131x_timer_config *timer_config;
+	struct tps6131x *tps6131x = fled_cdev_to_tps6131x(fled_cdev);
+	u8 reg3;
+	int ret;
+	guard(mutex)(&tps6131x->lock);
+	timer_config = tps6131x_find_closest_timer_config(timeout_us);
+	reg3 = timer_config->val << TPS6131X_REG_3_STIM_SHIFT;
+	if (timer_config->range)
+		reg3 |= TPS6131X_REG_3_SELSTIM_TO;
+	ret = regmap_update_bits(tps6131x->regmap, TPS6131X_REG_3,
+				 TPS6131X_REG_3_STIM | TPS6131X_REG_3_SELSTIM_TO, reg3);
+	if (ret < 0)
+		return ret;
+	fled_cdev->timeout.val = timer_config->time_us;
+	return 0;
+static int tps6131x_strobe_get(struct led_classdev_flash *fled_cdev, bool *state)
+	struct tps6131x *tps6131x = fled_cdev_to_tps6131x(fled_cdev);
+	unsigned int reg3;
+	int ret;
+	guard(mutex)(&tps6131x->lock);
+	ret = regmap_read_bypassed(tps6131x->regmap, TPS6131X_REG_3, &reg3);
+	if (ret)
+		return ret;
+	*state = !!(reg3 & TPS6131X_REG_3_SFT);
+	return 0;
+static int tps6131x_flash_fault_get(struct led_classdev_flash *fled_cdev, u32 *fault)
+	struct tps6131x *tps6131x = fled_cdev_to_tps6131x(fled_cdev);
+	unsigned int reg3, reg4, reg6;
+	int ret;
+	*fault = 0;

Why no lock here?

The individual regmap operations are already protected by the internal lock. If reading from a register has no other problematic effects on the overall function, then no additional lock is needed.

I noticed that the lock in tps6131x_strobe_get() is no longer needed. I'll removed that as well.

+	ret = regmap_read_bypassed(tps6131x->regmap, TPS6131X_REG_3, &reg3);
+	if (ret < 0)
+		return ret;
+	ret = regmap_read_bypassed(tps6131x->regmap, TPS6131X_REG_4, &reg4);
+	if (ret < 0)
+		return ret;
+	ret = regmap_read_bypassed(tps6131x->regmap, TPS6131X_REG_6, &reg6);
+	if (ret < 0)
+		return ret;
+	if (reg3 & TPS6131X_REG_3_HPFL)
+	if (reg3 & TPS6131X_REG_3_SELSTIM_TO)
+		*fault |= LED_FAULT_TIMEOUT;
+	if (reg4 & TPS6131X_REG_4_HOTDIE_HI)
+	if (reg6 & (TPS6131X_REG_6_LEDHOT | TPS6131X_REG_6_LEDWARN))
+	if (!(reg6 & TPS6131X_REG_6_LEDHDR))
+	if (reg6 & TPS6131X_REG_6_LEDHOT) {
+		ret = regmap_update_bits_base(tps6131x->regmap, TPS6131X_REG_6,
+					      TPS6131X_REG_6_LEDHOT, 0, NULL, false, true);

And this is not locked?

The read modify write operation is protected by regmap. Since this operation does not interact with any other functions, no lock is needed here.

+		if (ret < 0)
+			return ret;
+	}


+static int tps6131x_flash_external_strobe_set(struct v4l2_flash *v4l2_flash, bool enable)
+	struct led_classdev_flash *fled_cdev = v4l2_flash->fled_cdev;
+	struct tps6131x *tps6131x = fled_cdev_to_tps6131x(fled_cdev);
+	guard(mutex)(&tps6131x->lock);
+	return tps6131x_set_mode(tps6131x, enable ? TPS6131X_MODE_FLASH : TPS6131X_MODE_SHUTDOWN,
+				 false);
+static const struct v4l2_flash_ops tps6131x_v4l2_flash_ops = {
+	.external_strobe_set = tps6131x_flash_external_strobe_set,
+static int tps6131x_v4l2_setup(struct tps6131x *tps6131x)
+	struct v4l2_flash_config v4l2_cfg = { 0 };
+	struct led_flash_setting *intensity = &v4l2_cfg.intensity;

Why builtin? That's a tristate, so I don't get why driver and v4l flash
cannot be modules. You wanted REACHABLE probably... but then it is
anyway discouraged practice leading to runtime debugging. So actually

Okay, I'll add 'depends on V4L2_FLASH_LED_CLASS || !V4L2_FLASH_LED_CLASS' to the Kconfig entry and do the check in the driver like this:
    return 0;

Is this solution okay for you?

See Kconfig description.

+		return 0;
+	intensity->min = tps6131x->step_torch_current_ma;
+	intensity->max = tps6131x->max_torch_current_ma;
+	intensity->step = tps6131x->step_torch_current_ma;
+	intensity->val = intensity->min;
+	strscpy(v4l2_cfg.dev_name, tps6131x->>,
+		sizeof(v4l2_cfg.dev_name));
+	v4l2_cfg.has_external_strobe = true;
+	tps6131x->v4l2_flash = v4l2_flash_init(tps6131x->dev, tps6131x->led_node,
+					       &tps6131x->fled_cdev, &tps6131x_v4l2_flash_ops,
+					       &v4l2_cfg);
+	if (IS_ERR(tps6131x->v4l2_flash)) {
+		dev_err(tps6131x->dev, "Failed to initialize v4l2 flash LED\n");
+		return PTR_ERR(tps6131x->v4l2_flash);
+	}
+	return 0;
+static int tps6131x_probe(struct i2c_client *client)
+	struct tps6131x *tps6131x;
+	int ret;
+	tps6131x = devm_kzalloc(&client->dev, sizeof(*tps6131x), GFP_KERNEL);
+	if (!tps6131x)
+		return -ENOMEM;
+	tps6131x->dev = &client->dev;
+	i2c_set_clientdata(client, tps6131x);
+	mutex_init(&tps6131x->lock);
+	INIT_DELAYED_WORK(&tps6131x->torch_refresh_work, tps6131x_torch_refresh_handler);
+	ret = tps6131x_parse_node(tps6131x);
+	if (ret)
+		return -ENODEV;
+	tps6131x->regmap = devm_regmap_init_i2c(client, &tps6131x_regmap);
+	if (IS_ERR(tps6131x->regmap)) {
+		ret = PTR_ERR(tps6131x->regmap);
+		dev_err(&client->dev, "Failed to allocate register map\n");
+		return ret;

Syntax is:

return dev_err_probe

Of course. ACK

+	}
+	tps6131x->reset_gpio = devm_gpiod_get_optional(&client->dev, "reset", GPIOD_OUT_HIGH);

You should handle IS_ERR



Best regards,

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