[PATCH v3 1/2] dt-bindings: mfd: Document TI LM3533 MFD

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Add bindings for the LM3533 - a complete power source for backlight, keypad
and indicator LEDs in smartphone handsets. The high-voltage inductive boost
converter provides the power for two series LED strings display backlight
and keypad functions.

Signed-off-by: Svyatoslav Ryhel <clamor95@xxxxxxxxx>
 .../devicetree/bindings/mfd/ti,lm3533.yaml    | 231 ++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 231 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 Documentation/devicetree/bindings/mfd/ti,lm3533.yaml

diff --git a/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/mfd/ti,lm3533.yaml b/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/mfd/ti,lm3533.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..c8ac6d4424aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/mfd/ti,lm3533.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,231 @@
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: (GPL-2.0-only OR BSD-2-Clause)
+%YAML 1.2
+$id: http://devicetree.org/schemas/mfd/ti,lm3533.yaml#
+$schema: http://devicetree.org/meta-schemas/core.yaml#
+title: TI LM3533 Complete Lighting Power Solution
+description: >
+  The LM3533 is a complete power source for backlight, keypad, and indicator LEDs
+  in smartphone handsets. The high-voltage inductive boost converter provides the
+  power for two series LED strings display backlight and keypad functions.
+  https://www.ti.com/product/LM3533
+  - Svyatoslav Ryhel <clamor95@xxxxxxxxx>
+  compatible:
+    const: ti,lm3533
+  reg:
+    maxItems: 1
+  enable-gpios:
+    description: GPIO to use to enable/disable the backlight (HWEN pin).
+    maxItems: 1
+  ti,boost-ovp-microvolt:
+    description:
+      Boost OVP select (16V, 24V, 32V, 40V)
+    enum: [ 16000000, 24000000, 32000000, 40000000 ]
+    default: 16000000
+  ti,boost-freq-hz:
+    description:
+      Boost frequency select (500KHz or 1MHz)
+    enum: [ 500000, 1000000 ]
+    default: 500000
+  light-sensor:
+    type: object
+    description:
+      Properties for an illumination sensor.
+    additionalProperties: false
+    properties:
+      compatible:
+        const: ti,lm3533-als
+      ti,resistor-value-ohm:
+        $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32
+        description:
+          Internal configuration resister value when ALS is in Analog Sensor
+          mode and PWM mode is disabled.
+        minimum: 1575
+        maximum: 200000
+      ti,pwm-mode:
+        type: boolean
+        description:
+          Switch for mode in which ALS is running. If this propertly is set
+          then ALS is running in PWM mode, internal resistor value is set to
+          high-impedance (0) and resistor-value-ohm propertly is ignored.
+    required:
+      - compatible
+  - compatible
+  - reg
+  - enable-gpios
+  - light-sensor
+  - backlight-0
+  - backlight-1
+  - led-0
+  - led-1
+  - led-2
+  - led-3
+  "^backlight-[01]$":
+    type: object
+    description:
+      Properties for a backlight device.
+    $ref: /schemas/leds/backlight/common.yaml#
+    properties:
+      compatible:
+        const: ti,lm3533-backlight
+      default-brightness: true
+      ti,max-current-microamp:
+        description:
+          Maximum current in µA with a 800 µA step.
+        enum: [ 5000, 5800, 6600, 7400, 8200, 9000, 9800,
+                10600, 11400, 12200, 13000, 13800, 14600,
+                15400, 16200, 17000, 17800, 18600, 19400,
+                20200, 21000, 21800, 22600, 23400, 24200,
+                25000, 25800, 26600, 27400, 28200, 29000,
+                29800 ]
+        default: 5000
+      ti,pwm-config-mask:
+        $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32
+        description:
+          Control Bank PWM Configuration Register mask that allows to configure
+          PWM input in Zones 0-4
+          BIT(0) - PWM Input is enabled
+          BIT(1) - PWM Input is enabled in Zone 0
+          BIT(2) - PWM Input is enabled in Zone 1
+          BIT(3) - PWM Input is enabled in Zone 2
+          BIT(4) - PWM Input is enabled in Zone 3
+          BIT(5) - PWM Input is enabled in Zone 4
+      ti,linear-mapping-mode:
+        description:
+          Enable linear mapping mode. If disabled, then it will use exponential
+          mapping mode in which the ramp up/down appears to have a more uniform
+          transition to the human eye.
+        type: boolean
+      ti,hardware-controlled:
+        description:
+          Each backlight has its own voltage Control Bank (A and B) and there are
+          two HVLED sinks which by default are linked to respective Bank. Setting
+          this property will link both sinks to a Control Bank of backlight where
+          property is defined.
+        type: boolean
+    required:
+      - compatible
+    additionalProperties: false
+  "^led-[0-3]$":
+    type: object
+    description:
+      Properties for a led device.
+    $ref: /schemas/leds/common.yaml#
+    properties:
+      compatible:
+        const: ti,lm3533-leds
+      linux,default-trigger: true
+      ti,max-current-microamp:
+        description:
+          Maximum current in µA with a 800 µA step.
+        enum: [ 5000, 5800, 6600, 7400, 8200, 9000, 9800,
+                10600, 11400, 12200, 13000, 13800, 14600,
+                15400, 16200, 17000, 17800, 18600, 19400,
+                20200, 21000, 21800, 22600, 23400, 24200,
+                25000, 25800, 26600, 27400, 28200, 29000,
+                29800 ]
+        default: 5000
+      ti,pwm-config-mask:
+        $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32
+        description:
+          Same descryption and function as for backlight.
+    required:
+      - compatible
+    additionalProperties: false
+additionalProperties: false
+  - |
+    #include <dt-bindings/gpio/gpio.h>
+    i2c {
+        #address-cells = <1>;
+        #size-cells = <0>;
+        led-controller@36 {
+            compatible = "ti,lm3533";
+            reg = <0x36>;
+            enable-gpios = <&gpio 110 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;
+            ti,boost-ovp-microvolt = <24000000>;
+            ti,boost-freq-hz = <500000>;
+            backlight-0 {
+                compatible = "ti,lm3533-backlight";
+                ti,max-current-microamp = <23400>;
+                default-brightness = <113>;
+                ti,hardware-controlled;
+            };
+            backlight-1 {
+                compatible = "ti,lm3533-backlight";
+                status = "disabled";
+            };
+            led-0 {
+                compatible = "ti,lm3533-leds";
+                status = "disabled";
+            };
+            led-1 {
+                compatible = "ti,lm3533-leds";
+                status = "disabled";
+            };
+            led-2 {
+                compatible = "ti,lm3533-leds";
+                status = "disabled";
+            };
+            led-3 {
+                compatible = "ti,lm3533-leds";
+                status = "disabled";
+            };
+            light-sensor {
+                compatible = "ti,lm3533-als";
+                status = "disabled";
+            };
+        };
+    };

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