Re: [RFC PATCH 0/2] rust: LED abstractions

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On 11 Nov 2024, at 10:41, Lee Jones wrote:

> On Wed, 09 Oct 2024, Fiona Behrens wrote:
>> This RFC implements a basic LED abstraction to show how this would work with rust.
>> Currently this just implements a sample driver, to show how to use the abstraction, which just
>> prints the requested state, supporting a on/off LED and an led with brightness level up to 255 and
>> hardware blinking. I intend to write a hardware specific driver for submitting.
>> The abstractions is a generic struct that holds a generic driver data on which the vtable is
>> implemented. Because this struct also holds the c led_classdev (include/linux/leds.h) struct this
>> struct is pinned and is using pin_init to create and directly register the LED.
>> Dropping the struct unregisteres the LED. I plan to also add devm functions later, but as device
>> abstractions in rust are not yet that far I opted agains that for the first iteration of the LED
>> abstractions.
>> This is currently using core::time::Duration for the blinking interval, but will likely change that
>> to use the Delta time type from FUJITA Tomonori [1].
>> This is requiring the Opaque::try_ffi_init patch by Alice Ryhl[2] which just got merged into
>> char-misc-testing.
>> [1]:
>> [2]:
>> Fiona Behrens (2):
>>   rust: LED abstraction
>>   samples: rust: led sample
>>  rust/kernel/      | 399 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
>>  rust/kernel/       |   2 +
>>  samples/rust/Kconfig     |  10 +
>>  samples/rust/Makefile    |   1 +
>>  samples/rust/ | 103 ++++++++++
>>  5 files changed, 515 insertions(+)
>>  create mode 100644 rust/kernel/
>>  create mode 100644 samples/rust/
> FYI: I'm not ignoring this patch-set.  On the contrary.  I'm trying to
> place myself into a position where I can not only review it with some
> confidence, but use it to author LED drivers.

Ah amazing, the first RFC was to probe for a general would LED accept rust code, and this sounds like a yes. Nice!

Currently still working on a LED driver for a Lenovo board that does not (as of when I started, and think still not yet) have a C driver for the LED. Current things missing is a static dmi match table (idea is to hardcoded that for now) and a abstraction for port memory but working on that, and can otherwise just go around that with unsafe calls in the driver itself.

  - Fiona

> -- 
> Lee Jones [李琼斯]

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