RE: Nested TAP 13 output

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> -----Original Message-----
> From: Paul on Thursday, September 14, 2017 4:09 PM
> On 08/18/2017 11:57 AM, Shuah Khan wrote:
> > On 08/18/2017 12:48 PM, Bird, Timothy wrote:
> >>> -----Original Message-----
> >>> From: Shuah Khan [mailto:shuahkh@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
> >>> As I am converting tests to TAP13, I am encountering cases where
> >>> a test invokes other tests. For example, say test1 invokes test2
> >>> and test3, the output will have nested TAP 13 headers and footers.
> >>>
> >>> Example:
> >>>
> >>> TAP version 13
> >>>
> >>> test1 output
> >>>
> >>>     TAP version 13
> >>>     test2 output
> >>>     1..1
> >>>
> >>>     TAP version 13
> >>>     test3 output
> >>>     1..1
> >>>
> >>> 1..1
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> This is the case with timers tests. Some tests invoke 3 to 4 tests.
> >>> As these tests can be run independently, they all will need to be
> >>> converted. So we can't avoid nested TAP headers and footers.
> >>>
> >>> Do you see any problems with nesting?
> >>
> >> It's not in the TAP13 protocol itself, but I note that the TAP plugin
> >> for Jenkins (tap4j) supports this kind of nesting.  I'd have to do some
> testing
> >> to see exactly how they handle this.  For example, the example on the
> >> plugin page shows
> >> nesting similar to what you're doing, but it omits the header line indicating
> >> the TAP protocol used.  Your example, by the way, doesn't have any
> >> actual test lines (I assume that "test 2 output" is a placeholder for the
> >> actual test output lines.)
> >>
> >> If one program is calling another program, how is the indentation
> handled?
> >> Would the combined output really look like the above (with subtest
> output
> >> indented?)  I believe the Jenkins TAP plugin relies on indentation to
> determine
> >> where the subtest output ends.
> >>
> >> Another question: is the subtest considered a test case of the parent
> test?
> >> That is, does the following output make sense:
> >>
> >> TAP version 13
> >> # doing timer tests
> >> ok 1 first test
> >> # executing sub-test timer-sub1
> >>     TAP version 13
> >>     ok 1 sub-test one
> >>     1..1
> >> ok 2 execute sub-test timer-sub1
> >> ok 3 some other test
> >> 1..3
> >> ------------------
> >
> > Yes it does make sense, however, it isn't possible to print
> > the above indented text from the second test, as this test can
> > also be run all by itself.
> What if we added a parameter to the ksft_* output functions that could
> take an indentation level? Then when the parent test executes the sub test
> program, it could provide an int to notify the sub test that it is being run
> as a sub test, and at what sub level (to accommodate sub-sub tests and sub-
> sub-sub
> tests, etc).

Or just just pass a string on the command line:
  $ someprog --output_indent  "    "

Any program that is both called by another program, and calls another
program can just add to the string.  Either a string or an int would work.

I thought about doing something like this.  I think only a few programs
would need to take an indentation argument through their command line.

> Then at the beginning of the sub test, it could set a variable that
> represents its sub-level or indentation level, and then plug that variable into
> every ksft_* output call. If it doesn't receive any indentation level then it is
> being run as a top-level test and can then set the indentation level to 0.
> I considered a global variable but that's a problem when we get into
> multithreaded
> tests.

> I know it's not a good idea to change the API, but there are fewer calls to
> replace
> now than later :)

Maybe we should just add new calls that print with indent, and only use them
where nesting is needed.  Again, I suspect nesting is not used widely.

I looked at the possibility of using variadic macros to mask the difference in
arguments, but we're already using variadic functions, so this won't work, unless
we get tricky.

 -- Tim


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