Hi, all I try to compile a sample rust module with below Makefile: obj-m += rust_minimal.o all: make -C ../.. M=$(PWD) modules but failed with below message: ERROR: modpost: too long symbol "_RNvNtNtCschHAZg3Q02y_6kernel5print14format_strings4INFO" [/linux-rust/samples/rust/rust_minimal.ko] But I see there are many long symbols in Module.symvers. So I guess there's something wrong with modpost. The relevant code is as follows: list_for_each_entry(s, &mod->unresolved_symbols, list) { if (!s->module) continue; if (!s->crc_valid) { warn("\"%s\" [%s.ko] has no CRC!\n", s->name, mod->name); continue; } if (strlen(s->name) >= MODULE_NAME_LEN) { error("too long symbol \"%s\" [%s.ko]\n", s->name, mod->name); break; } MODULE_NAME_LEN is weird. Is the code right? Thanks.