Hello, I've been building an out-of-tree linux kernel module that has a .cpp module (plus a library that is built) for well over a decade using the basic method outlined at https://github.com/veltzer/kcpp. There was a patch needed (provided here) in the 5.x version to be able to link to the .a file generated. That patch I've been able to modify as slight changes occured, but now in 6.6.14 things have changed a lot, I'm not sure if I'll need something like it to get to the final link but I don't think I'm at that point yet. My main issue now is this: LD [M] /media/sf_SRC_DRIVE/mymodule/linux/driver/6.6.14-686-mine/mymodule.o ld -m elf_i386 -z noexecstack -r -o /media/sf_SRC_DRIVE/mymodule/linux/driver/6.6.14-686-mine/mymodule.o @/media/sf_SRC_DRIVE/mymodule/linux/driver/6.6.14-686-mine/mymodule.mod # cmd_modules_order /media/sf_SRC_DRIVE/mymodule/linux/driver/6.6.14-686-mine/modules.order { echo /media/sf_SRC_DRIVE/mymodule/linux/driver/6.6.14-686-mine/mymodule.o; :; } > /media/sf_SRC_DRIVE/mymodule/linux/driver/6.6.14-686-mine/modules.order sh ./scripts/modules-check.sh /media/sf_SRC_DRIVE/mymodule/linux/driver/6.6.14-686-mine/modules.order make -f ./scripts/Makefile.modpost # MODPOST /media/sf_SRC_DRIVE/mymodule/linux/driver/6.6.14-686-mine/Module.symvers scripts/mod/modpost -M -m -o /media/sf_SRC_DRIVE/mymodule/linux/driver/6.6.14-686-mine/Module.symvers -T /media/sf_SRC_DRIVE/mymodule/linux/driver/6.6.14-686-mine/modules.order -i Module.symvers -e /media/sf_SRC_DRIVE/mymodule/linux/driver/6.6.14-686-mine/.mymodulelindrivercpp.o.cmd: No such file or directory It has never built a *.o.cmd file for the .cpp module and still doesn't, but the new system is looking for it. Could someone familiar with kbuild tell me what I can patch / do to allow the system to complete the build like it used to? Thank You.