Is it known (and being worked on) that exported symbols residing themselves in modules are no longer properly handled by modpost, due to the .o files to be linked into .ko (other than vmlinux and the .ko files) still carrying the ___ksymtab*+<symbol> sections? If not - what are the thoughts to resolve this? It's not really obvious, since - doing the section sorting already when generating the .o-s is incompatible (at least) with .ko-s consisting of just a single .o, - passing the .ko-s instead of the .o-s to modpost would create a chicken-and-egg situation, and - adjusting modpost itself would require the tool to track all the ___ksymtab*+<symbol> section (i.e. causing possibly measurable extra overhead). Thanks, Jan -- To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe linux-kbuild" in the body of a message to majordomo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx More majordomo info at