Re: [PATCH] MAINTAINERS: Add include/linux/tpm*.h to TPM maintainers

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On Wed, Mar 12, 2025 at 02:48:51PM +0800, WangYuli wrote:
> Hi Jarkko,
> On 2025/3/12 14:23, Jarkko Sakkinen wrote:
> > "Subnames" are separated with space, not with camel case.
> > 
> It's just a matter of regional cultural differences.
> In my country, we don't have the concept of "Subname" in names.
> We only have "Surname" and "Given name", and our convention is to put the
> surname first, followed by the given name, without a space in between.
> So I don't think I need to make any changes to my sign-off.

OK, I don't really mind the order, and I did not about the white space

So with that

Reviewed-by: Jarkko Sakkinen <jarkko@xxxxxxxxxx>

> Of course, as you are the TPM maintainer, I respect your opinion, and if you
> strongly insist, I can change my sign-off but only for all future
> TPM-related commits, perhaps by using Unicode characters instead of spelling
> it out with English letters.

It's always good to get educated, no worries.

> Thanks,
> -- 
> 王昱力

BR, Jarkko

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