On Fri, Mar 07, 2025 at 11:25:20AM -0800, ross.philipson@xxxxxxxxxx wrote: > On 3/6/25 9:34 PM, 'Jarkko Sakkinen' via trenchboot-devel wrote: > > On Thu, Dec 19, 2024 at 11:42:01AM -0800, Ross Philipson wrote: > > > Introduce the main Secure Launch header file used in the early SL stub > > > and the early setup code. > > > > Just would need a *short* description of what slaunch.h holds. I guess > > it holds Intel TXT micro-arhitectural data structures? Anything else? > > Later it will contain data strutures etc. to support other architectures > like AMD and Arm64. > > > > > This helps e.g. reviewers to skip some but still keep on track what a > > patch contains (and return back to it when necessary). > > Yes we can make it clearer what is in this header file. As per code changes I did spend two hours reading them just to make sure that I can understand the TPM specific code changes, and also that they make total sense to me. Therefore I've put a lot the nagging is around documentation and definitions. I really could not find anything in the source code that I could pinpoint being absolutely wrong. This really needs just now the stamp from tip maintainers. As per TPM changes they do have my blessing (no need for reviewed-by's as they have SOB already). I hereby also give permission to pull TPM changes through tip tree... > Thanks > Ross BR, Jarkko