Hello, I have been looking into how IMA policies work for measuring/appraising in specific scenarios such as kexec. IMA has specific policies for these scenarios (i.e. setting func to KEXEC_KERNEL_CHECK). While these policies do exist, in practice it seems that IMA treats these files the same way it treats any other file; it will validate and measure (in the case of ima-sig) based on the IMA signature in the file's inode. It seems that this policy is mostly a placeholder in case there is a desire later to do some different behavior based on the file type (correct me if I'm wrong and there's another reason for having the KEXEC_KERNEL_CHECK function). I wanted to get feedback on the possibility of IMA measuring a different signature type during kexec. In general kernal images are signed as PE files, with the signature embedded in the file image. Normal kexec (not the IMA path) validates this type of signature. I would like to use IMA to both appraise and measure based on this signature instead of the IMA signature (this could have a Kconfig flag). Alternatively it could look for both. I think this makes sense because it means folks can make use of IMA's measurement capabilities while still signing the kernel image in the same way they have always signed it for kexec. This also makes the signing/packaging/installing story simpler for kernels wishing to make use of IMA as they don't have to ship with IMA/EVM signatures. I know that currently IMA only handles IMA/EVM signatures (makes sense) so this would deviate a decent amount from how IMA currently works. I want to get general thoughts on this proposal before I start work on this to ensure this is something the community/maintainers are supportive of. Thanks, Jordan (sorry for the clutter Mimi, I forgot to make the first one plaintext so it didn't post)