Re: Goodix Drive issue

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Hi Henry,

On 17-Mar-25 5:40 PM, Henry Isaac wrote:
> Hello!
> I recent spoke to Hans after contacting the wrong email who kindly pointed me here.
> I am having issues with a tablet PC I brought where the touch device is not recognised. The tablet is a GeoPad 220 using a Goodix GXTP7386 touch pannel.
> Everything works except the touch screen, I have attached the dmesg.txt and acpidump.txt
> Also here are the command line prompts I was advised to run.
> [henry@Geopad220 ~]$ sudo dmesg > dmesg.txt
> [sudo] password for henry: 
> [henry@Geopad220 ~]$ sudo acpidump -o acpidump.txt
> [henry@Geopad220 ~]$ ls /sys/bus/i2c/devices
> i2c-0  i2c-10  i2c-12  i2c-2  i2c-4  i2c-6  i2c-8  i2c-GXTP7386:00
> i2c-1  i2c-11  i2c-13  i2c-3  i2c-5  i2c-7  i2c-9  i2c-MXC6655:00
> [henry@Geopad220 ~]$ cat /sys/bus/i2c/devices/i2c-GXTP7386:00/modalias
> acpi:GXTP7386:PNP0C50:
> If you need anymore info please reach out I am happy to help where I can in case others have this issue too!

Ok, so this appears to be a i2c-hid touchscreen, but for some
reason I'm not seeing any i2c-hid related messages in your dmesg.

Please add the following to your kernel commandline:


See the Arch documentation for how to add something to the kernel

After this reboot with the new kernel commandline and do:

cat /proc/cmdline

and make sure that i2c_hid.dyndbg is there.

Then do:

sudo dmesg > dmesg.txt

check dmesg.txt this should now contain some i2c_hid xxxx messages,
if not then it looks like the driver is not loading for some reason.

In this case try manually modprobing it:

sudo modprobe i2c_hid_acpi

and then run:

sudo dmesg > dmesg.txt

and see if some new i2c_hid messages have shown up now.

Either way please attach the new dmesg.txt to your next email and
then we'll see from there.



> Many thanks
> Henry

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