Re: [PATCH v2 2/2] Input: atkbd - Correctly map F13 - F24

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Hi Werner,

On 11-Mar-25 19:06, Werner Sembach wrote:
> Currently only F23 is correctly mapped for PS/2 keyboards.
> Following to this table:

That is a very interesting document, good find!

> - F24 and Zenkaku/Hankaku share the same scancode, but since in real world
> Zenkaku/Hankaku keys seem to just use the tilde scancode, this patch binds the
> scancode to F24. Note that on userspace side the KEY_ZENKAKUHANKAKU keycode is
> currently not bound in xkeyboard-config, so it is (mostly*) unused anyway.
> * Qt on Wayland and therefore KDE on Wayland can see the keypress anyway for
> some reason and it is actually used in a touchpad toggle shortcut, but this is
> currently being fixed in both KDE and xkeyboard-config to make this less weird,
> so it could directly be fixed to correctly handle the F24 keypress instead.
> - The scancodes for F13-F22 are currently unmapped so there will probably be no
> harm in mapping them. This would also fix the issue that some of these keys
> can't be mapped as the target from userspace using the `setkeycodes` command.
> Signed-off-by: Werner Sembach <wse@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Thanks, patch looks good to me:

Reviewed-by: Hans de Goede <hdegoede@xxxxxxxxxx>

It is unfortunate that this changes the scancode 0x5f mapping from 85 to 194
(from KEY_ZENKAKUHANKAKU to KEY_F24) but as you mention the xkbconfig does
not even define a keycode-label for 85 + 8 = 93 (xkb shifts all codes up 8) in:
/usr/share/X11/xkb/keycodes/evdev, 93 is simply not there. So making this changes
and updating the mapping to match the mappings from the microsoft document from
above sounds good to me.



> ---
>  drivers/input/keyboard/atkbd.c | 12 ++++++------
>  1 file changed, 6 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)
> diff --git a/drivers/input/keyboard/atkbd.c b/drivers/input/keyboard/atkbd.c
> index 3598a21d9d014..4bd6e6ef0715e 100644
> --- a/drivers/input/keyboard/atkbd.c
> +++ b/drivers/input/keyboard/atkbd.c
> @@ -84,12 +84,12 @@ static const unsigned short atkbd_set2_keycode[ATKBD_KEYMAP_SIZE] = {
>  #include "hpps2atkbd.h"	/* include the keyboard scancodes */
>  #else
> -	  0, 67, 65, 63, 61, 59, 60, 88,  0, 68, 66, 64, 62, 15, 41,117,
> -	  0, 56, 42, 93, 29, 16,  2,  0,  0,  0, 44, 31, 30, 17,  3,  0,
> -	  0, 46, 45, 32, 18,  5,  4, 95,  0, 57, 47, 33, 20, 19,  6,183,
> -	  0, 49, 48, 35, 34, 21,  7,184,  0,  0, 50, 36, 22,  8,  9,185,
> -	  0, 51, 37, 23, 24, 11, 10,  0,  0, 52, 53, 38, 39, 25, 12,  0,
> -	  0, 89, 40,  0, 26, 13,  0,193, 58, 54, 28, 27,  0, 43,  0, 85,
> +	  0, 67, 65, 63, 61, 59, 60, 88,183, 68, 66, 64, 62, 15, 41,117,
> +	184, 56, 42, 93, 29, 16,  2,  0,185,  0, 44, 31, 30, 17,  3,  0,
> +	186, 46, 45, 32, 18,  5,  4, 95,187, 57, 47, 33, 20, 19,  6,183,
> +	188, 49, 48, 35, 34, 21,  7,184,189,  0, 50, 36, 22,  8,  9,185,
> +	190, 51, 37, 23, 24, 11, 10,  0,191, 52, 53, 38, 39, 25, 12,  0,
> +	192, 89, 40,  0, 26, 13,  0,193, 58, 54, 28, 27,  0, 43,  0,194,
>  	  0, 86, 91, 90, 92,  0, 14, 94,  0, 79,124, 75, 71,121,  0,  0,
>  	 82, 83, 80, 76, 77, 72,  1, 69, 87, 78, 81, 74, 55, 73, 70, 99,

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