Re: [PATCH resend] HID: apple: fix up the F6 key on the Omoton KB066 keyboard

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Hi Alex

> If I understand correctly Mac OS sets each Apple keyboard's internal
> name to "<username>'s keyboard" by default, and that's what mine is,
> but a user could conceivably override that with "Bluetooth Keyboard".
> It's also possible "Bluetooth Keyboard" is the name that all A1255's
> had when they walked out of the factory, before they were connected to
> an Apple device.
> -Alex

Can you to test the patch at the bottom of this message?

Before you apply the patch, you first need to apply these 3 patches I have sent upstream:

Then you have to apply _only_ PATCH 4/4 here:

Then apply the patch.

Then see if Fn+F6 switches the media to function keys or not, and media keys work by default or not.


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