Hello there, I am neither developer nor committer on the linux kernel. But trying to figure out the kernel support for my Microsoft Sidewinder Force Feedback 2 joystick I found two things that might get improved in the kernel documentation. Maybe someone could update it with below information: 1) https://www.kernel.org/doc/html/latest/input/joydev/joystick.html#microsoft-sidewinder-joysticks The Microsoft Sidewinder Force Feedback 2 joystick is not listed at all, but after playing around I was able to make it work. So it makes sense to extend the list with that model. 2) https://www.kernel.org/doc/html/latest/input/ff.html#does-it-work When trying fftest it is important to use the correct device node /dev/input/eventXX. Unfortunately I was fiddling for a long time with the wrong node (it may even change depending on the hot-plugging of the USB devices). Therefore first run the command `evtest`, which scans all /dev/input/event* nodes and will print the devices found. From that pick the correct file, then run `fftest`. Also the command `ffcfstress` is a very nice test to verify the joystick works. Best regards Hiran