Hello, I am new to linux-input and want to contribute to kernel development, and want to propose an extension for uinput. I have been using uinput with x11vnc on a computer that has a German keyboard layout. When I press certain keys that are not on an English keyboard nothing happens, as there is no mapping from the unicode input (öäüß²³..) to the US keyboard layout. I have been asking myself, is there a way to enter unicode characters, directly in uinput. Maybe something like EV_KEY_UNICODE and using ev.code (a 32 bit value) to pass the unicode value to the application without having to de- translate to qwerty layout again. Another problem that happens when detranslating from qwertz to qwerty are shifted keycodes being different. So When I enter a '#' a '3' appers on the screen. memset(&ev, 0, sizeof(ev)); gettimeofday(&ev.time, NULL); ev.type = EV_KEY_UNICODE; ev.code = unicode_codepos; ev.value = 1; write(d, &ev, sizeof(ev)); Tobias Platen