Hello, I had a look to the dracut syslog module and I've notice that, despite the code parses the syslog.type argument, it does not actually run anything but `rsyslogd`. It's like this since its introduction, the code seems ready to run `syslogd` or `syslog-ng` but it does not do it. The `rsyslogd-start.sh`, despite the name, is written to start any of the three services, only that at the end it runs only `rsyslogd` (so, perhaps the name is indeed correct). Then, `syslog-cleanup.sh` executes the stop service `"${syslogtype}"-stop`, but the only "*-stop" script available is for rsyslogd. Am I missing something? If not, I see the following options: 1 clarify that this module supports only "rsyslogd": 1.a by adding "warn" when syslog or syslog-ng are selected 1.b by documenting it 1.c by renaming the module 98rsyslog and removing the auto selection 2 add support for syslog and syslog-ng (even though, nobody complained in 10 years)