[PATCH] modules.d: Add a module for handling additional depmod kernel module directories

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It parses depmod configuration and scans modules.dep for kernel modules
present in directories supplied in "overrides", "external", and "search"
depmod configuration options.  The resulting list of (absolute) kernel
module paths is then supplied to instmods.

* modules.d/90kernel-modules-extra/module-setup.sh: New file.

Signed-off-by: Eugene Syromiatnikov <esyr@xxxxxxxxxx>
 modules.d/90kernel-modules-extra/module-setup.sh | 191 +++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 191 insertions(+)
 create mode 100755 modules.d/90kernel-modules-extra/module-setup.sh

diff --git a/modules.d/90kernel-modules-extra/module-setup.sh b/modules.d/90kernel-modules-extra/module-setup.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..44df4d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules.d/90kernel-modules-extra/module-setup.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
+# called by dracut
+# Parses depmod configuration and calls instmods for out-of-tree kernel
+# modules found.  Specifically, kernel modules inside directories that
+# come from the following places are included (if these kernel modules
+# are present in modules.dep):
+#   - "search" configuration option;
+#   - "override" configuration option (matching an exact file name constructed
+#      by concatenating the provided directory and the kernel module name);
+#   - "external" configuration option (if "external" is a part of "search"
+#     configuration).
+# (See depmod.d(5) for details.)
+# This module has the following variables available for configuration:
+#   - "depmod_modules_dep" - Path to the modules.dep file
+#                            ("$srcmods/modules.dep" by default);
+#   - "depmod_module_dir" - Directory containing kernel modules ("$srcmods"
+#                           by default);
+#   - "depmod_configs" - array of depmod configuration paths to parse
+#                        (as supplied to depmod -C, ("/run/depmod.d/"
+#                        "/etc/depmod.d/" "/lib/depmod.d/") by default).
+	: "${depmod_modules_dep:=$srcmods/modules.dep}"
+	: "${depmod_module_dir:=$srcmods}"
+	[[ -f "${depmod_modules_dep}" ]] || return 0
+	# Message printers with custom prefix
+	local mod_name="kernel-modules-extra"
+	prinfo()  { dinfo  "  ${mod_name}: $*"; }
+	prdebug() { ddebug "  ${mod_name}: $*"; }
+	# Escape a string for usage as a part of extended regular expression.
+	# $1 - string to escape
+	re_escape() {
+		printf "%s" "$1" | sed 's/\([.+?^$\/\\|()\[]\|\]\)/\\\0/'
+	}
+	local OLDIFS
+	local cfg
+	local cfgs=()
+	local search_list=""
+	local overrides=()
+	local external_dirs=()
+	local e f
+	## Gathering and sorting configuration file list
+	[ -n "${depmod_configs[@]-}" ] \
+		|| depmod_configs=(/run/depmod.d/ /etc/depmod.d/ /lib/depmod.d/)
+	for cfg in "${depmod_configs[@]}"; do
+		[ -e "$cfg" ] || {
+			prdebug "configuration source \"$cfg\" does not exist"
+			continue
+		}
+		# '/' is used as a separator between configuration name and
+		# configuration path
+		if [ -d "$cfg" ]; then
+			for f in "$cfg/"*; do
+				[[ -e "$f" && ! -d "$f" ]] || {
+					prdebug "configuration source" \
+						"\"$cfg\" is ignored" \
+						"(directory or doesn't exist)"
+					continue
+				}
+				cfgs+=("$(basename "$f")/$f")
+			done
+		else
+			cfgs+=("$(basename "$cfg")/$cfg")
+		fi
+	done
+	IFS=$'\n'
+	LANG=C cfgs=($(printf '%s\n' "${cfgs[@]}" \
+		| sort -u -k1,1 -t '/' | cut -f 2- -d '/'))
+	## Parse configurations
+	for cfg in "${cfgs[@]}"; do
+		prdebug "parsing configuration file \"$cfg\""
+		local k v mod kverpat path
+		while read -r k v; do
+			case "$k" in
+			search)
+				search_list="$search_list $v"
+				prdebug "$cfg: added \"$v\" to the list of" \
+					"search directories"
+				;;
+			override) # module_name kver_pattern dir
+				read -r mod kverpat path <<<"$v"
+				if [[ ! "$mod" || ! "$kverpat" || ! "$path" ]]
+				then
+					prinfo "$cfg: ignoring incorrect" \
+					       "override option: \"$k $v\""
+					continue
+				fi
+				if [[ '*' = "$kverpat" \
+				      || "$kernel" =~ "$kverpat" ]]
+				then
+					overrides+=("${path}/${mod}")
+					prdebug "$cfg: added override" \
+						"\"${path}/${mod}\""
+				else
+					prdebug "$cfg: override \"$v\" is" \
+						"ignored since \"$kverpat\"" \
+						"doesn't match \"$kernel\""
+				fi
+				;;
+			external) # kverpat dir
+				read -r kverpat path <<<"$v"
+				if [[ ! "$kverpat" || ! "$path" ]]; then
+					prinfo "$cfg: ignoring incorrect" \
+					       "external option: \"$k $v\""
+					continue
+				fi
+				if [[ '*' = "$kverpat" \
+				      || "$kernel" =~ "$kverpat" ]]
+				then
+					external_dirs+=("$path")
+					prdebug "$cfg: added external" \
+						"directory \"$path\""
+				else
+					prdebug "$cfg: external directory" \
+						"\"$path\" is ignored since" \
+						"\"$kverpat\" doesn't match " \
+						"\"$kernel\""
+				fi
+				;;
+			'#'*|'') # comments and empty strings
+				;;
+			include|make_map_files) # ignored by depmod
+				;;
+			*)
+				prinfo "$cfg: unknown depmod configuration" \
+				       "option \"$k $v\""
+				;;
+			esac
+		done < "$cfg"
+	done
+	# "updates built-in" is the default search list
+	: "${search_list:=updates}"
+	## Build a list of regular expressions for grepping modules.dep
+	local pathlist=()
+	for f in "${overrides[@]}"; do
+		pathlist+=("^$(re_escape "$f")")
+	done
+	for f in $(printf "%s" "$search_list"); do
+		# Ignoring builtin modules
+		[ "built-in" != "$f" ] || continue
+		if [ "external" = "$f" ]; then
+			for e in "${external_dirs[@]}"; do
+				pathlist+=("$(re_escape "${e%/}")/[^:]+")
+			done
+		fi
+		pathlist+=("$(re_escape "${f%/}")/[^:]+")
+	done
+	## Filter modules.dep, canonicalise the resulting filenames and supply
+	## them to instmods.
+	[ 0 -lt "${#pathlist[@]}" ] || exit 0
+	printf "^%s\.ko(\.gz|\.bz2|\.xz)?:\n" "${pathlist[@]}" \
+		| LANG=C grep -E -o -f - -- "$depmod_modules_dep" | tr -d ':' \
+		| (cd "$depmod_module_dir" || exit; xargs -r realpath -e --) \
+		| instmods

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