[PATCH] Dracut: Add a new argument "--rebuild"

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Add "rebuild" option to dracut to  append the current  arguments
to those with  which the input initramfs image was  built.  This
option helps in incrementally building initramfs for testing.

    Usage: dracut [output_file] --rebuild input_file

If optional output file  is not provided, input file provided to
rebuild will be used as output file.

This patch alters  the creation of the initramfs image by adding
the file "/tmp/params.txt" to the image. Command line parameters
excluding "--rebuild",  input  &  output image names and "kernel
version" are stored in this file.  In case "--rebuild" parameter
is specified, "/tmp/params.txt" file, if present in input image,
is read and its contents "prepend"ed to the current command line
parameters, that is if such a file is already present. Also,  it
stores the  cumulative parameters to the file "/tmp/params.txt",
in the  new image. This patch  has been tested successfully on a
PowerBox with f19. It does not alter the behaviour of any of the
existing  options.

Signed-off-by: Manik Bajpai <manibajp@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Signed-off-by: Hari Bathini <hbathini@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
 dracut.sh |  386 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------
 1 file changed, 260 insertions(+), 126 deletions(-)

diff --git a/dracut.sh b/dracut.sh
index 11dcd0e..53c12ba 100755
--- a/dracut.sh
+++ b/dracut.sh
@@ -70,6 +70,7 @@ Creates initial ramdisk images for preloading modules
   --kver [VERSION]      Set kernel version to [VERSION].
   -f, --force           Overwrite existing initramfs file.
   -a, --add [LIST]      Add a space-separated list of dracut modules.
+  --rebuild         Append arguments to those of existing image and rebuild
   -m, --modules [LIST]  Specify a space-separated list of dracut modules to
                          call when building the initramfs. Modules are located
                          in /usr/lib/dracut/modules.d.
@@ -279,127 +280,263 @@ dropindirs_sort()
+    # Workaround -i, --include taking 2 arguments
+    set -- "${@/--include/++include}"
+    # This prevents any long argument ending with "-i"
+    # -i, like --opt-i but I think we can just prevent that
+    set -- "${@/%-i/++include}"
+    TEMP=$(unset POSIXLY_CORRECT; getopt \
+        -o "a:m:o:d:I:k:c:L:fvqlHhMN" \
+        --long kver: \
+        --long add: \
+        --long force-add: \
+        --long add-drivers: \
+        --long omit-drivers: \
+        --long modules: \
+        --long omit: \
+        --long drivers: \
+        --long filesystems: \
+        --long install: \
+        --long fwdir: \
+        --long libdirs: \
+        --long fscks: \
+        --long add-fstab: \
+        --long mount: \
+        --long device: \
+        --long nofscks: \
+        --long ro-mnt \
+        --long kmoddir: \
+        --long conf: \
+        --long confdir: \
+        --long tmpdir: \
+        --long stdlog: \
+        --long compress: \
+        --long prefix: \
+        --long rebuild: \
+        --long force \
+        --long kernel-only \
+        --long no-kernel \
+        --long print-cmdline \
+        --long kernel-cmdline: \
+        --long strip \
+        --long nostrip \
+        --long prelink \
+        --long noprelink \
+        --long hardlink \
+        --long nohardlink \
+        --long noprefix \
+        --long mdadmconf \
+        --long nomdadmconf \
+        --long lvmconf \
+        --long nolvmconf \
+        --long debug \
+        --long profile \
+        --long sshkey: \
+        --long logfile: \
+        --long verbose \
+        --long quiet \
+        --long local \
+        --long hostonly \
+        --long host-only \
+        --long no-hostonly \
+        --long no-host-only \
+        --long persistent-policy: \
+        --long fstab \
+        --long help \
+        --long bzip2 \
+        --long lzma \
+        --long xz \
+        --long lzo \
+        --long lz4 \
+        --long no-compress \
+        --long gzip \
+        --long list-modules \
+        --long show-modules \
+        --long keep \
+        --long printsize \
+        --long regenerate-all \
+        --long noimageifnotneeded \
+        --long early-microcode \
+        --long no-early-microcode \
+        -- "$@")
+    if (( $? != 0 )); then
+        usage
+        exit 1
+    fi
 unset kernel
 unset outfile
-# Workaround -i, --include taking 2 arguments
-set -- "${@/--include/++include}"
-# This prevents any long argument ending with "-i"
-# -i, like --opt-i but I think we can just prevent that
-set -- "${@/%-i/++include}"
-TEMP=$(unset POSIXLY_CORRECT; getopt \
-    -o "a:m:o:d:I:k:c:L:fvqlHhMN" \
-    --long kver: \
-    --long add: \
-    --long force-add: \
-    --long add-drivers: \
-    --long omit-drivers: \
-    --long modules: \
-    --long omit: \
-    --long drivers: \
-    --long filesystems: \
-    --long install: \
-    --long fwdir: \
-    --long libdirs: \
-    --long fscks: \
-    --long add-fstab: \
-    --long mount: \
-    --long device: \
-    --long nofscks: \
-    --long ro-mnt \
-    --long kmoddir: \
-    --long conf: \
-    --long confdir: \
-    --long tmpdir: \
-    --long stdlog: \
-    --long compress: \
-    --long prefix: \
-    --long force \
-    --long kernel-only \
-    --long no-kernel \
-    --long print-cmdline \
-    --long kernel-cmdline: \
-    --long strip \
-    --long nostrip \
-    --long prelink \
-    --long noprelink \
-    --long hardlink \
-    --long nohardlink \
-    --long noprefix \
-    --long mdadmconf \
-    --long nomdadmconf \
-    --long lvmconf \
-    --long nolvmconf \
-    --long debug \
-    --long profile \
-    --long sshkey: \
-    --long logfile: \
-    --long verbose \
-    --long quiet \
-    --long local \
-    --long hostonly \
-    --long host-only \
-    --long no-hostonly \
-    --long no-host-only \
-    --long persistent-policy: \
-    --long fstab \
-    --long help \
-    --long bzip2 \
-    --long lzma \
-    --long xz \
-    --long lzo \
-    --long lz4 \
-    --long no-compress \
-    --long gzip \
-    --long list-modules \
-    --long show-modules \
-    --long keep \
-    --long printsize \
-    --long regenerate-all \
-    --long noimageifnotneeded \
-    --long early-microcode \
-    --long no-early-microcode \
-    -- "$@")
-if (( $? != 0 )); then
-    usage
-    exit 1
+rearrange_params "$@"
+eval set -- "$TEMP"
+# parse command line args to check if '--rebuild' option is present
+unset append_args_l
+unset rebuild_file
+while :
+	if [ "$1" == "--" ]; then
+	    shift; break
+	fi
+	if [ "$1" == "--rebuild" ]; then
+	    append_args_l="yes"
+            rebuild_file=$2
+            if [ ! -e $rebuild_file ]; then
+                echo "Image file \"$rebuild_file\", for rebuild, does not exist!"
+                exit 1
+            fi
+            abs_rebuild_file=$(readlink -f "$rebuild_file") && rebuild_file="$abs_rebuild_file"
+	    shift; continue
+	fi
+	shift
+# get output file name and kernel version from command line arguments
+while (($# > 0)); do
+    case ${1%%=*} in
+        ++include)
+            shift 2;;
+        *)
+            if ! [[ ${outfile+x} ]]; then
+                outfile=$1
+            elif ! [[ ${kernel+x} ]]; then
+                kernel=$1
+            else
+                printf "\nUnknown arguments: %s\n\n" "$*" >&2
+                usage; exit 1;
+            fi
+            ;;
+    esac
+    shift
+# extract input image file provided with rebuild option to get previous parameters, if any
+if [[ $append_args_l == "yes" ]]; then
+    unset rebuild_file_comp
+    unset uncomp_cmd
+    unset rebuild_param
+    # determine resultant file
+    if ! [[ $outfile ]]; then
+        outfile=$rebuild_file
+    else
+        abs_outfile=$(readlink -f "$outfile") && outfile="$abs_outfile"
+    fi
+    scratch_dir="/tmp/.dracut_rebuild"
+    # remove existing scratch-pad directory, if any
+    rm -rf $scratch_dir
+    # create a scratch-pad directory to get the previously stored args
+    if ! ( mkdir $scratch_dir ); then
+        exit 1
+    fi
+    # find the type of existing file (gzip,bzip2,xz,lzma,cpio)
+    rebuild_file_type=`file $rebuild_file | awk '{ print $2 }'`
+    if [ $rebuild_file_type == "ASCII" ]; then
+        rebuild_file_type=`file $rebuild_file | awk '{ print $3 }'`;
+    fi
+    if [ $rebuild_file_type == "cpio" ]; then
+        if ! ( cp $rebuild_file $scratch_dir/initrd; mkdir $scratch_dir/cpio_dir ); then
+            exit 1
+        fi
+    elif [ $rebuild_file_type == "gzip" ]; then
+        rebuild_file_comp="$scratch_dir/initrd.gz"
+        uncomp_cmd="gunzip -f -q $rebuild_file_comp"
+    elif [ $rebuild_file_type == "bzip2" ]; then
+        rebuild_file_comp="$scratch_dir/initrd.bz2"
+        uncomp_cmd="bunzip2 -f -q $rebuild_file_comp"
+    elif [ $rebuild_file_type == "XZ" ]; then
+        rebuild_file_comp="$scratch_dir/initrd.xz"
+        uncomp_cmd="xz -d -f -q $rebuild_file_comp"
+    elif [ $rebuild_file_type == "LZMA" ]; then
+        rebuild_file_comp="$scratch_dir/initrd.lzma"
+        uncomp_cmd="lzma -d -f -q $rebuild_file_comp"
+    else
+        echo "Image format \"$rebuild_file_type\" not supported for rebuild!"
+        exit 1
+    fi
+    # uncompress the image
+    if [ $rebuild_file_type != "cpio" ]; then
+        if ! ( mkdir $scratch_dir/cpio_dir; cp $rebuild_file $rebuild_file_comp; cd $scratch_dir; $uncomp_cmd ); then
+            exit 1
+        fi
+    fi
+    # copy image contents from archive and read previously stored parameters, if any
+    if  ( cd $scratch_dir/cpio_dir; cpio -idm --quiet < $scratch_dir/initrd ); then
+        if [[ ( -f $scratch_dir/cpio_dir/tmp/params.txt ) && ( -r $scratch_dir/cpio_dir/tmp/params.txt )  ]]; then
+            rebuild_param=""
+            for param_line in `cat $scratch_dir/cpio_dir/tmp/params.txt`; do
+                rebuild_param+=" $param_line"
+             done
+        fi
+    else
+        exit 1
+    fi
+    # prepend previous parameters to current command line args
+    if [[ $rebuild_param ]]; then
+        TEMP="$rebuild_param $TEMP"
+        eval set -- "$TEMP"
+        rearrange_params "$@"
+    fi
+    # clean the temporarily used scratch-pad directory
+    rm -rf $scratch_dir
 eval set -- "$TEMP"
 while :; do
+    if [ $1 != "--" ] && [ $1 != "--rebuild" ]; then
+        PARMS_TO_STORE+=" $1";
+    fi
     case $1 in
-        --kver)        kernel="$2"; shift;;
-        -a|--add)      push add_dracutmodules_l  "$2"; shift;;
-        --force-add)   push force_add_dracutmodules_l  "$2"; shift;;
-        --add-drivers) push add_drivers_l        "$2"; shift;;
-        --omit-drivers) push omit_drivers_l      "$2"; shift;;
-        -m|--modules)  push dracutmodules_l      "$2"; shift;;
-        -o|--omit)     push omit_dracutmodules_l "$2"; shift;;
-        -d|--drivers)  push drivers_l            "$2"; shift;;
-        --filesystems) push filesystems_l        "$2"; shift;;
-        -I|--install)  push install_items_l      "$2"; shift;;
-        --fwdir)       push fw_dir_l             "$2"; shift;;
-        --libdirs)     push libdirs_l            "$2"; shift;;
-        --fscks)       push fscks_l              "$2"; shift;;
-        --add-fstab)   push add_fstab_l          "$2"; shift;;
-        --mount)       push fstab_lines          "$2"; shift;;
+        --kver)        kernel="$2"; PARMS_TO_STORE+=" \"$2\""; shift;;
+        -a|--add)      push add_dracutmodules_l  "$2"; PARMS_TO_STORE+=" \"$2\""; shift;;
+        --force-add)   push force_add_dracutmodules_l  "$2"; PARMS_TO_STORE+=" \"$2\""; shift;;
+        --add-drivers) push add_drivers_l        "$2"; PARMS_TO_STORE+=" \"$2\""; shift;;
+        --omit-drivers) push omit_drivers_l      "$2"; PARMS_TO_STORE+=" \"$2\""; shift;;
+        -m|--modules)  push dracutmodules_l      "$2"; PARMS_TO_STORE+=" \"$2\""; shift;;
+        -o|--omit)     push omit_dracutmodules_l "$2"; PARMS_TO_STORE+=" \"$2\""; shift;;
+        -d|--drivers)  push drivers_l            "$2"; PARMS_TO_STORE+=" \"$2\""; shift;;
+        --filesystems) push filesystems_l        "$2"; PARMS_TO_STORE+=" \"$2\""; shift;;
+        -I|--install)  push install_items_l      "$2"; PARMS_TO_STORE+=" \"$2\""; shift;;
+        --fwdir)       push fw_dir_l             "$2"; PARMS_TO_STORE+=" \"$2\""; shift;;
+        --libdirs)     push libdirs_l            "$2"; PARMS_TO_STORE+=" \"$2\""; shift;;
+        --fscks)       push fscks_l              "$2"; PARMS_TO_STORE+=" \"$2\""; shift;;
+        --add-fstab)   push add_fstab_l          "$2"; PARMS_TO_STORE+=" \"$2\""; shift;;
+        --mount)       push fstab_lines          "$2"; PARMS_TO_STORE+=" \"$2\""; shift;;
-                       push add_device_l         "$2"; shift;;
-        --kernel-cmdline) push kernel_cmdline_l  "$2"; shift;;
+                       push add_device_l         "$2"; PARMS_TO_STORE+=" \"$2\""; shift;;
+        --kernel-cmdline) push kernel_cmdline_l  "$2"; PARMS_TO_STORE+=" \"$2\""; shift;;
         --nofscks)     nofscks_l="yes";;
         --ro-mnt)      ro_mnt_l="yes";;
-        -k|--kmoddir)  drivers_dir_l="$2"; shift;;
-        -c|--conf)     conffile="$2"; shift;;
-        --confdir)     confdir="$2"; shift;;
-        --tmpdir)      tmpdir_l="$2"; shift;;
-        -L|--stdlog)   stdloglvl_l="$2"; shift;;
-        --compress)    compress_l="$2"; shift;;
-        --prefix)      prefix_l="$2"; shift;;
+        -k|--kmoddir)  drivers_dir_l="$2"; PARMS_TO_STORE+=" \"$2\""; shift;;
+        -c|--conf)     conffile="$2"; PARMS_TO_STORE+=" \"$2\""; shift;;
+        --confdir)     confdir="$2"; PARMS_TO_STORE+=" \"$2\""; shift;;
+        --tmpdir)      tmpdir_l="$2"; PARMS_TO_STORE+=" \"$2\""; shift;;
+        -L|--stdlog)   stdloglvl_l="$2"; PARMS_TO_STORE+=" \"$2\""; shift;;
+        --compress)    compress_l="$2"; PARMS_TO_STORE+=" \"$2\""; shift;;
+        --prefix)      prefix_l="$2"; PARMS_TO_STORE+=" \"$2\""; shift;;
+        --rebuild)     if [ $rebuild_file == $outfile ]; then
+                           force=yes
+                       fi
+                       shift
+                       ;;
         -f|--force)    force=yes;;
         --kernel-only) kernel_only="yes"; no_kernel="no";;
         --no-kernel)   kernel_only="no"; no_kernel="yes";;
@@ -419,7 +556,7 @@ while :; do
         --nolvmconf)   lvmconf_l="no";;
         --debug)       debug="yes";;
         --profile)     profile="yes";;
-        --sshkey)      sshkey="$2"; shift;;
+        --sshkey)      sshkey="$2"; PARMS_TO_STORE+=" \"$2\""; shift;;
         --logfile)     logfile_l="$2"; shift;;
         -v|--verbose)  ((verbosity_mod_l++));;
         -q|--quiet)    ((verbosity_mod_l--));;
@@ -433,10 +570,10 @@ while :; do
                        hostonly_l="no" ;;
-                       persistent_policy_l="$2"; shift;;
+                       persistent_policy_l="$2"; PARMS_TO_STORE+=" \"$2\""; shift;;
         --fstab)       use_fstab_l="yes" ;;
         -h|--help)     long_usage; exit 1 ;;
-        -i|--include)  push include_src "$2"
+        -i|--include)  push include_src "$2";  PARMS_TO_STORE+=" \"$2\"";
         --bzip2)       compress_l="bzip2";;
         --lzma)        compress_l="lzma";;
@@ -466,21 +603,12 @@ done
 # the old fashioned way
 while (($# > 0)); do
-    case ${1%%=*} in
-        ++include) push include_src "$2"
-                       push include_target "$3"
-                       shift 2;;
-        *)
-            if ! [[ ${outfile+x} ]]; then
-                outfile=$1
-            elif ! [[ ${kernel+x} ]]; then
-                kernel=$1
-            else
-                printf "\nUnknown arguments: %s\n\n" "$*" >&2
-                usage; exit 1;
-            fi
-            ;;
-    esac
+    if [ ${1%%=*} == "++include" ]; then
+        push include_src "$2"
+        push include_target "$3"
+        PARMS_TO_STORE+=" --include \"$2\" \"$3\""
+        shift 2
+    fi
@@ -1377,6 +1505,12 @@ if [[ $acpi_override = yes ]] && [[ -d $acpi_table_dir ]]; then
+dinfo "*** Store current command line parameters ***"
+if ! ( echo $PARMS_TO_STORE > $initdir/tmp/params.txt ); then
+    dfatal "Could not store the current command line parameters"
+    exit 1
 rm -f -- "$outfile"
 dinfo "*** Creating image file ***"
 if [[ $create_early_cpio = yes ]]; then

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