The LABEL and UUID are always stored in filesystem specific
superblock (or root directory) on the device. It means that your
system has to be able to detect FS type before it's able to read
LABEL/UUID from the device. The <key_dev_fs> is unnecessary.
If I have HFS drive (Mac) or even HPFS (OS/2) and have the keys there
how would I be able to retrieve them then if I do not use labels/UUID -
by using /dev/sdXX?
I think specifying the target file system is important because by just
executing 'mount' without indicating the target file system when I have,
for example, HFS or HPFS mount just won't happen. I am also not certain
that by just executing 'mount' it would automatically map NTFS either,
without specifying that the target system is NTFS (the command in
question for mounting NTFS partitions is ntfs-3g isn't it?). Same goes
for ReiserFS (I think) as well as cidr/smb partitions/drives (although I
admit the latter case is a bit special as it needs network access and a
bit more options to be configured in order to make it work).
The 'guessing' of the file systems by mount also comes with a health
warning, which has to be respected: "Warning: the probing uses a
heuristic (the presence of appropriate 'magic'), and could recognize the
wrong filesystem type, possibly with catastrophic consequences. If your
data is valuable, don't ask mount to guess."
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