Re: [PATCH 1/2] iio: adc: Fix integration time/averaging for INA219/220

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On 17/04/17 13:41, Stefan Bruens wrote:
> On Freitag, 14. April 2017 17:02:33 CEST Jonathan Cameron wrote:
>> On 12/04/17 04:01, Stefan Brüns wrote:
>>> INA226/230/231 has integration times per voltage channel and common
>>> averaging setting for both channels, while the INA219/220 only has a
>>> combined integration time/averaging setting per channel.
>>> Only expose the averaging attribute for the INA226, and expose the correct
>>> integration times for the INA219.
>>> Signed-off-by: Stefan Brüns <stefan.bruens@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>> A few bits inline.
>> The info_mask_shared_by_dir isn't right in the driver currently.
>> Those elements should be list for every channel in that direction.  This
>> moves where they are rather than fixing that.
>> Please sort that mess out whilst you are here.
>> Thanks,
>> Jonathan
>>> ---
>>>  drivers/iio/adc/ina2xx-adc.c | 179
>>>  ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----- 1 file changed, 158
>>>  insertions(+), 21 deletions(-)
>>> diff --git a/drivers/iio/adc/ina2xx-adc.c b/drivers/iio/adc/ina2xx-adc.c
>>> index 3263231276ca..d1678f886297 100644
>>> --- a/drivers/iio/adc/ina2xx-adc.c
>>> +++ b/drivers/iio/adc/ina2xx-adc.c
>>> @@ -48,6 +48,7 @@
>>>  /* settings - depend on use case */
>>>  #define INA219_CONFIG_DEFAULT           0x399F	/* PGA=8 */
>>> +#define INA219_DEFAULT_IT		532
>>>  #define INA226_CONFIG_DEFAULT           0x4327
>>>  #define INA226_DEFAULT_AVG              4
>>>  #define INA226_DEFAULT_IT		1110
>>> @@ -55,19 +56,24 @@
>>>  #define INA2XX_RSHUNT_DEFAULT           10000
>>>  /*
>>> - * bit mask for reading the averaging setting in the configuration
>>> register + * bit masks for reading the settings in the configuration
>>> register> 
>>>   * FIXME: use regmap_fields.
>> Either fix this or drop the fixme. It's fine to regmap fields if you
>> like, but it it's not broken if it doesn't use them.
> The FIXME was not added nor changed by me. I see no reason to drop it.
oops., My mistake.
>>>   */
>>>  #define INA2XX_MODE_MASK	GENMASK(3, 0)
>>> +/* Averaging for VBus/VShunt/Power */
>>>  #define INA226_AVG_MASK		GENMASK(11, 9)
>>>  #define INA226_SHIFT_AVG(val)	((val) << 9)
>>>  /* Integration time for VBus */
>>> +#define INA219_ITB_MASK		GENMASK(10, 7)
>>> +#define INA219_SHIFT_ITB(val)	((val) << 7)
>>>  #define INA226_ITB_MASK		GENMASK(8, 6)
>>>  #define INA226_SHIFT_ITB(val)	((val) << 6)
>>>  /* Integration time for VShunt */
>>> +#define INA219_ITS_MASK		GENMASK(6, 3)
>>> +#define INA219_SHIFT_ITS(val)	((val) << 3)
>>>  #define INA226_ITS_MASK		GENMASK(5, 3)
>>>  #define INA226_SHIFT_ITS(val)	((val) << 3)
>>> @@ -107,6 +113,7 @@ struct ina2xx_config {
>>>  	int bus_voltage_shift;
>>>  	int bus_voltage_lsb;	/* uV */
>>>  	int power_lsb;		/* uW */
>>> +	enum ina2xx_ids chip_id;
>>>  };
>>>  struct ina2xx_chip_info {
>>> @@ -129,6 +136,7 @@ static const struct ina2xx_config ina2xx_config[] = {
>>>  		.bus_voltage_shift = 3,
>>>  		.bus_voltage_lsb = 4000,
>>>  		.power_lsb = 20000,
>>> +		.chip_id = ina219,
>>>  	},
>>>  	[ina226] = {
>>>  		.config_default = INA226_CONFIG_DEFAULT,
>>> @@ -137,6 +145,7 @@ static const struct ina2xx_config ina2xx_config[] = {
>>>  		.bus_voltage_shift = 0,
>>>  		.bus_voltage_lsb = 1250,
>>>  		.power_lsb = 25000,
>>> +		.chip_id = ina226,
>>>  	},
>>>  };
>>> @@ -282,6 +291,66 @@ static int ina226_set_int_time_vshunt(struct
>>> ina2xx_chip_info *chip,> 
>>>  	return 0;
>>>  }
>>> +/* Conversion times in uS. */
>>> +static const int ina219_conv_time_tab_subsample[] = { 84, 148, 276, 532
>>> };
>>> +static const int ina219_conv_time_tab_average[] = { 532, 1060, 2130,
>>> 4260,
>>> +						    8510, 17020, 34050, 68100};
>>> +
>>> +static int ina219_lookup_int_time(unsigned int *val_us, int *bits)
>>> +{
>>> +	if (*val_us > 68100 || *val_us < 84)
>>> +		return -EINVAL;
>>> +
>>> +	if (*val_us <= 532) {
>>> +		*bits = find_closest(*val_us, ina219_conv_time_tab_subsample,
>>> +				    ARRAY_SIZE(ina219_conv_time_tab_subsample));
>>> +		*val_us = ina219_conv_time_tab_subsample[*bits];
>>> +	} else {
>>> +		*bits = find_closest(*val_us, ina219_conv_time_tab_average,
>>> +				    ARRAY_SIZE(ina219_conv_time_tab_average));
>>> +		*val_us = ina219_conv_time_tab_average[*bits];
>>> +		*bits |= 0x8;
>>> +	}
>>> +
>>> +	return 0;
>>> +}
>>> +
>>> +static int ina219_set_int_time_vbus(struct ina2xx_chip_info *chip,
>>> +				    unsigned int val_us, unsigned int *config)
>>> +{
>>> +	int bits, ret;
>>> +	unsigned int val_us_best = val_us;
>>> +
>>> +	ret = ina219_lookup_int_time(&val_us_best, &bits);
>>> +	if (ret)
>>> +		return ret;
>>> +
>>> +	chip->int_time_vbus = val_us_best;
>>> +
>>> +	*config &= ~INA219_ITB_MASK;
>>> +	*config |= INA219_SHIFT_ITB(bits) & INA219_ITB_MASK;
>>> +
>>> +	return 0;
>>> +}
>>> +
>>> +static int ina219_set_int_time_vshunt(struct ina2xx_chip_info *chip,
>>> +				      unsigned int val_us, unsigned int *config)
>>> +{
>>> +	int bits, ret;
>>> +	unsigned int val_us_best = val_us;
>>> +
>>> +	ret = ina219_lookup_int_time(&val_us_best, &bits);
>>> +	if (ret)
>>> +		return ret;
>>> +
>>> +	chip->int_time_vshunt = val_us_best;
>>> +
>>> +	*config &= ~INA219_ITS_MASK;
>>> +	*config |= INA219_SHIFT_ITS(bits) & INA219_ITS_MASK;
>>> +
>>> +	return 0;
>>> +}
>>> +
>>>  static int ina2xx_write_raw(struct iio_dev *indio_dev,
>>>  			    struct iio_chan_spec const *chan,
>>>  			    int val, int val2, long mask)
>>> @@ -307,10 +376,15 @@ static int ina2xx_write_raw(struct iio_dev
>>> *indio_dev,> 
>>>  		break;
>>> -		if (chan->address == INA2XX_SHUNT_VOLTAGE)
>>> +		if ((chip->config->chip_id == ina226) &&
>>> +		    (chan->address == INA2XX_SHUNT_VOLTAGE))
>>>  			ret = ina226_set_int_time_vshunt(chip, val2, &tmp);
>>> -		else
>>> +		else if (chip->config->chip_id == ina226)
>>>  			ret = ina226_set_int_time_vbus(chip, val2, &tmp);
>>> +		else if (chan->address == INA2XX_SHUNT_VOLTAGE)
>>> +			ret = ina219_set_int_time_vshunt(chip, val2, &tmp);
>>> +		else
>>> +			ret = ina219_set_int_time_vbus(chip, val2, &tmp);
>> This new ordering of the if statement is convoluted and difficult to follow.
>> Just use a nested if and I think it'll be easier to read.
> I can change this, but the extra indentation level will force a line break to 
> not exceed the 78 character limit.
I think readability will still be improved so go for it.
>>>  		break;
>>>  	default:
>>> @@ -416,10 +490,8 @@ static ssize_t ina2xx_shunt_resistor_store(struct
>>> device *dev,> 
>>>  	.address = (_address), \
>>>  	.indexed = 1, \
>>>  	.channel = (_index), \
>>> -	.info_mask_separate = BIT(IIO_CHAN_INFO_RAW) \
>>> -	.info_mask_shared_by_dir = BIT(IIO_CHAN_INFO_SAMP_FREQ) | \
>>> +	.info_mask_separate = BIT(IIO_CHAN_INFO_RAW) | \
>>> +			      BIT(IIO_CHAN_INFO_SCALE), \
>> Sometimes it just feels like diff is trying to make it really hard
>> to see what has changed.
>> Firstly the new info_mask_separate is just a reformat.  Fine, but not
>> in this patch.  Should be in it's own patch.
>> The dropping of the shared_by_dir however makes me wonder what is going
>> on.  Shared_by_dir elements should be present in every single channel
>> of that direction.  This already isn't true in the driver and should be
>> fixed to maintain consistency.  This makes it worse.
> Unfortunately there is no documentation how the *_shared_by_* fields have to 
> be used. It seems to work if a bit is only set on some channels of a group.
It will work just fine but the intent is to have them set for all relevant
channels. Agreed, our documentation could do with improving on this.
> This patch makes is neither better nor worse. Previously, e.g. 
> IIO_CHAN_INFO_SAMP_FREQ was set on both the power and current channels, now it 
> is set on the bus and shunt voltage channels. Both variants create a single 
> in_sample_frequency attribute.
If we can clean this up whilst you were here it would be great. If not fair
enough - we'll get to it one day!
>>>  	.scan_index = (_index), \
>>>  	.scan_type = { \
>>>  		.sign = 'u', \
>>> @@ -433,7 +505,26 @@ static ssize_t ina2xx_shunt_resistor_store(struct
>>> device *dev,> 
>>>   * Sampling Freq is a consequence of the integration times of
>>>   * the Voltage channels.
>>>   */
>>> -#define INA2XX_CHAN_VOLTAGE(_index, _address) { \
>>> +#define INA226_CHAN_VOLTAGE(_index, _address) { \
>>> +	.type = IIO_VOLTAGE, \
>>> +	.address = (_address), \
>>> +	.indexed = 1, \
>>> +	.channel = (_index), \
>>> +	.info_mask_separate = BIT(IIO_CHAN_INFO_RAW) | \
>>> +			      BIT(IIO_CHAN_INFO_SCALE) | \
>>> +			      BIT(IIO_CHAN_INFO_INT_TIME), \
>>> +	.info_mask_shared_by_dir = BIT(IIO_CHAN_INFO_SAMP_FREQ) | \
>>> +	.scan_index = (_index), \
>>> +	.scan_type = { \
>>> +		.sign = 'u', \
>>> +		.realbits = 16, \
>>> +		.storagebits = 16, \
>>> +		.endianness = IIO_LE, \
>>> +	} \
>>> +}
>>> +
>>> +#define INA219_CHAN_VOLTAGE(_index, _address) { \
>>>  	.type = IIO_VOLTAGE, \
>>>  	.address = (_address), \
>>>  	.indexed = 1, \
>>> @@ -441,6 +532,7 @@ static ssize_t ina2xx_shunt_resistor_store(struct
>>> device *dev,> 
>>>  	.info_mask_separate = BIT(IIO_CHAN_INFO_RAW) | \
>>>  			      BIT(IIO_CHAN_INFO_SCALE) | \
>>>  			      BIT(IIO_CHAN_INFO_INT_TIME), \
>>> +	.info_mask_shared_by_dir = BIT(IIO_CHAN_INFO_SAMP_FREQ), \
>> This looks sort of like a bug fix.  As it is just shared_by_dir it will
>> apply to all input channels so should have been specified for them all in
>> the first place.  However, if so, the oversampling ratio should be the
>> same.
> No. TI226 has one oversampling ("averaging" in the DS) setting applying to all 
> channels. TI219 has no explicit averaging.
> Apparently, on the TI226, all 4 channels (current, power, bus voltage, shunt) 
> set in the info_mask_shared_by_dir, while the TI219 should have set only the 
Sounds right to me.
>>>  	.scan_index = (_index), \
>>>  	.scan_type = { \
>>>  		.sign = 'u', \
>>> @@ -450,9 +542,18 @@ static ssize_t ina2xx_shunt_resistor_store(struct
>>> device *dev,> 
>>>  	} \
>>>  }
>>> -static const struct iio_chan_spec ina2xx_channels[] = {
>>> +
>>> +static const struct iio_chan_spec ina226_channels[] = {
>>> +};
>>> +
>>> +static const struct iio_chan_spec ina219_channels[] = {
>>> @@ -589,7 +690,14 @@ static int ina2xx_debug_reg(struct iio_dev
>>> *indio_dev,
>>>  }
>>>  /* Possible integration times for vshunt and vbus */
>>> -static IIO_CONST_ATTR_INT_TIME_AVAIL("0.000140 0.000204 0.000332 0.000588
>>> 0.001100 0.002116 0.004156 0.008244"); +static
>>> IIO_CONST_ATTR_NAMED(ina219_integration_time_available,
>>> +			    integration_time_available,
>>> +			    "0.000084 0.000148 0.000276 0.000532 0.001060 0.002130 
> 0.004260
>>> 0.008510 0.017020 0.034050 0.068100"); +
>>> +static IIO_CONST_ATTR_NAMED(ina226_integration_time_available,
>>> +			    integration_time_available,
>>> +			    "0.000140 0.000204 0.000332 0.000588 0.001100 0.002116 
> 0.004156
>>> 0.008244"); +
>>>  static IIO_DEVICE_ATTR(in_allow_async_readout, S_IRUGO | S_IWUSR,
>>>  		       ina2xx_allow_async_readout_show,
>>> @@ -599,20 +707,39 @@ static IIO_DEVICE_ATTR(in_shunt_resistor, S_IRUGO |
>>> S_IWUSR,> 
>>>  		       ina2xx_shunt_resistor_show,
>>>  		       ina2xx_shunt_resistor_store, 0);
>>> -static struct attribute *ina2xx_attributes[] = {
>>> +static struct attribute *ina219_attributes[] = {
>>> +	&iio_dev_attr_in_allow_async_readout.dev_attr.attr,
>>> +	&iio_const_attr_ina219_integration_time_available.dev_attr.attr,
>>> +	&iio_dev_attr_in_shunt_resistor.dev_attr.attr,
>>> +	NULL,
>>> +};
>>> +
>>> +static struct attribute *ina226_attributes[] = {
>>>  	&iio_dev_attr_in_allow_async_readout.dev_attr.attr,
>>> -	&iio_const_attr_integration_time_available.dev_attr.attr,
>>> +	&iio_const_attr_ina226_integration_time_available.dev_attr.attr,
>>>  	&iio_dev_attr_in_shunt_resistor.dev_attr.attr,
>>>  	NULL,
>>>  };
>>> -static const struct attribute_group ina2xx_attribute_group = {
>>> -	.attrs = ina2xx_attributes,
>>> +static const struct attribute_group ina219_attribute_group = {
>>> +	.attrs = ina219_attributes,
>>>  };
>>> -static const struct iio_info ina2xx_info = {
>>> +static const struct attribute_group ina226_attribute_group = {
>>> +	.attrs = ina226_attributes,
>>> +};
>>> +
>>> +static const struct iio_info ina219_info = {
>>>  	.driver_module = THIS_MODULE,
>>> -	.attrs = &ina2xx_attribute_group,
>>> +	.attrs = &ina219_attribute_group,
>>> +	.read_raw = ina2xx_read_raw,
>>> +	.write_raw = ina2xx_write_raw,
>>> +	.debugfs_reg_access = ina2xx_debug_reg,
>>> +};
>>> +
>>> +static const struct iio_info ina226_info = {
>>> +	.driver_module = THIS_MODULE,
>>> +	.attrs = &ina226_attribute_group,
>>>  	.read_raw = ina2xx_read_raw,
>>>  	.write_raw = ina2xx_write_raw,
>>>  	.debugfs_reg_access = ina2xx_debug_reg,
>>> @@ -678,6 +805,10 @@ static int ina2xx_probe(struct i2c_client *client,
>>>  		ina226_set_average(chip, INA226_DEFAULT_AVG, &val);
>>>  		ina226_set_int_time_vbus(chip, INA226_DEFAULT_IT, &val);
>>>  		ina226_set_int_time_vshunt(chip, INA226_DEFAULT_IT, &val);
>>> +	} else {
>>> +		chip->avg = 1;
>>> +		ina219_set_int_time_vbus(chip, INA219_DEFAULT_IT, &val);
>>> +		ina219_set_int_time_vshunt(chip, INA219_DEFAULT_IT, &val);
>>>  	}
>>>  	ret = ina2xx_init(chip, val);
>>> @@ -689,10 +820,16 @@ static int ina2xx_probe(struct i2c_client *client,
>>>  	indio_dev->dev.parent = &client->dev;
>>>  	indio_dev->dev.of_node = client->dev.of_node;
>>> -	indio_dev->channels = ina2xx_channels;
>>> -	indio_dev->num_channels = ARRAY_SIZE(ina2xx_channels);
>>> +	if (id->driver_data == ina226) {
>>> +		indio_dev->channels = ina226_channels;
>>> +		indio_dev->num_channels = ARRAY_SIZE(ina226_channels);
>>> +		indio_dev->info = &ina226_info;
>>> +	} else {
>>> +		indio_dev->channels = ina219_channels;
>>> +		indio_dev->num_channels = ARRAY_SIZE(ina219_channels);
>>> +		indio_dev->info = &ina219_info;
>>> +	}
>>>  	indio_dev->name = id->name;
>>> -	indio_dev->info = &ina2xx_info;
>>>  	indio_dev->setup_ops = &ina2xx_setup_ops;
>>>  	buffer = devm_iio_kfifo_allocate(&indio_dev->dev);

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