On Windows (7):
* AS SSD http://imgur.com/ygCINXF :
* READ: 512MB/s
* WRITE: 493MB/s
* ATTO SSD (32GB data 1M/2M/4M bsize) http://imgur.com/46cbogr :
* READ: 560MB/s
* WRITE: 533MB/s
(And a quick ATTO block size test http://imgur.com/MhuLjno )
Output of the fio and dd commands are below.
# fio --ioengine=sync --direct=1 --iodepth=32 --numjobs=1 --rw=read
--bsrange=1M-1M --runtime=1000 --name=fio --filename=/dev/sda
fio: (g=0): rw=read, bs=1M-1M/1M-1M/1M-1M, ioengine=sync, iodepth=32
Starting 1 process
Jobs: 1 (f=1): [R(1)] [100.0% done] [472.0MB/0KB/0KB /s] [472/0/0
iops] [eta 00m:00s]
fio: (groupid=0, jobs=1): err= 0: pid=14727: Thu Nov 3 07:40:58 2016
read : io=467388MB, bw=478604KB/s, iops=467, runt=1000002msec
clat (usec): min=1901, max=10352, avg=2136.75, stdev=147.57
lat (usec): min=1901, max=10353, avg=2137.03, stdev=147.59
clat percentiles (usec):
| 1.00th=[ 2024], 5.00th=[ 2064], 10.00th=[ 2064], 20.00th=[
| 30.00th=[ 2128], 40.00th=[ 2128], 50.00th=[ 2128], 60.00th=[
| 70.00th=[ 2160], 80.00th=[ 2160], 90.00th=[ 2192], 95.00th=[
| 99.00th=[ 2320], 99.50th=[ 2352], 99.90th=[ 3568], 99.95th=[
| 99.99th=[ 7776]
bw (KB /s): min=286147, max=495616, per=100.00%, avg=479047.45,
lat (msec) : 2=0.23%, 4=99.68%, 10=0.09%, 20=0.01%
cpu : usr=0.21%, sys=5.20%, ctx=467427, majf=0, minf=265
IO depths : 1=100.0%, 2=0.0%, 4=0.0%, 8=0.0%, 16=0.0%, 32=0.0%,
submit : 0=0.0%, 4=100.0%, 8=0.0%, 16=0.0%, 32=0.0%, 64=0.0%,
complete : 0=0.0%, 4=100.0%, 8=0.0%, 16=0.0%, 32=0.0%, 64=0.0%,
issued : total=r=467388/w=0/d=0, short=r=0/w=0/d=0,
latency : target=0, window=0, percentile=100.00%, depth=32
Run status group 0 (all jobs):
READ: io=467388MB, aggrb=478604KB/s, minb=478604KB/s,
maxb=478604KB/s, mint=1000002msec, maxt=1000002msec
Disk stats (read/write):
sda: ios=934688/0, merge=0/0, ticks=1594452/0, in_queue=1594292,
# fio --ioengine=libaio --direct=1 --iodepth=32 --numjobs=1 --rw=read
--bsrange=1M-1M --runtime=1000 --name=fio --filename=/dev/sda
fio: (g=0): rw=read, bs=1M-1M/1M-1M/1M-1M, ioengine=libaio,
Starting 1 process
Jobs: 1 (f=1): [R(1)] [100.0% done] [507.0MB/0KB/0KB /s] [507/0/0
iops] [eta 00m:00s]
fio: (groupid=0, jobs=1): err= 0: pid=14761: Thu Nov 3 07:58:01 2016
read : io=499290MB, bw=511241KB/s, iops=499, runt=1000062msec
slat (usec): min=29, max=606, avg=56.90, stdev=21.02
clat (msec): min=5, max=148, avg=64.03, stdev= 1.71
lat (msec): min=5, max=148, avg=64.09, stdev= 1.71
clat percentiles (msec):
| 1.00th=[ 63], 5.00th=[ 63], 10.00th=[ 63], 20.00th=[
| 30.00th=[ 64], 40.00th=[ 64], 50.00th=[ 64], 60.00th=[
| 70.00th=[ 66], 80.00th=[ 67], 90.00th=[ 67], 95.00th=[
| 99.00th=[ 67], 99.50th=[ 67], 99.90th=[ 76], 99.95th=[
| 99.99th=[ 123]
bw (KB /s): min=406738, max=521197, per=100.00%, avg=511739.76,
lat (msec) : 10=0.01%, 20=0.01%, 50=0.01%, 100=99.97%, 250=0.03%
cpu : usr=0.60%, sys=3.67%, ctx=499374, majf=0, minf=538
IO depths : 1=0.1%, 2=0.1%, 4=0.1%, 8=0.1%, 16=0.1%, 32=100.0%,
submit : 0=0.0%, 4=100.0%, 8=0.0%, 16=0.0%, 32=0.0%, 64=0.0%,
complete : 0=0.0%, 4=100.0%, 8=0.0%, 16=0.0%, 32=0.1%, 64=0.0%,
issued : total=r=499290/w=0/d=0, short=r=0/w=0/d=0,
latency : target=0, window=0, percentile=100.00%, depth=32
Run status group 0 (all jobs):
READ: io=499290MB, aggrb=511241KB/s, minb=511241KB/s,
maxb=511241KB/s, mint=1000062msec, maxt=1000062msec
Disk stats (read/write):
sda: ios=514818/0, merge=0/0, ticks=32910900/0, in_queue=32911656,
# time fio --ioengine=sync --direct=1 --iodepth=32 --numjobs=1
--rw=write --bsrange=1M-1M --runtime=1000 --name=fio
fio: (g=0): rw=write, bs=1M-1M/1M-1M/1M-1M, ioengine=sync, iodepth=32
Starting 1 process
Jobs: 1 (f=1): [W(1)] [100.0% done] [0KB/101.0MB/0KB /s] [0/101/0
iops] [eta 00m:00s]
fio: (groupid=0, jobs=1): err= 0: pid=14207: Wed Nov 2 20:48:09 2016
write: io=116047MB, bw=118831KB/s, iops=116, runt=1000006msec
clat (msec): min=4, max=24, avg= 8.58, stdev= 2.26
lat (msec): min=4, max=24, avg= 8.61, stdev= 2.26
clat percentiles (usec):
| 1.00th=[ 5024], 5.00th=[ 5152], 10.00th=[ 5280], 20.00th=[
| 30.00th=[ 6944], 40.00th=[ 9152], 50.00th=[ 9280], 60.00th=[
| 70.00th=[ 9792], 80.00th=[10048], 90.00th=[10560],
| 99.00th=[14400], 99.50th=[17280], 99.90th=[19328],
| 99.99th=[21120]
bw (KB /s): min=91610, max=202752, per=100.00%, avg=119006.32,
lat (msec) : 10=79.69%, 20=20.24%, 50=0.06%
cpu : usr=0.43%, sys=0.73%, ctx=116061, majf=0, minf=11
IO depths : 1=100.0%, 2=0.0%, 4=0.0%, 8=0.0%, 16=0.0%, 32=0.0%,
submit : 0=0.0%, 4=100.0%, 8=0.0%, 16=0.0%, 32=0.0%, 64=0.0%,
complete : 0=0.0%, 4=100.0%, 8=0.0%, 16=0.0%, 32=0.0%, 64=0.0%,
issued : total=r=0/w=116047/d=0, short=r=0/w=0/d=0,
latency : target=0, window=0, percentile=100.00%, depth=32
Run status group 0 (all jobs):
WRITE: io=116047MB, aggrb=118831KB/s, minb=118831KB/s,
maxb=118831KB/s, mint=1000006msec, maxt=1000006msec
Disk stats (read/write):
sda: ios=0/116037, merge=0/0, ticks=0/985368, in_queue=985316,
real 16m40.461s
user 0m5.472s
sys 0m8.992s
# time fio --ioengine=libaio --direct=1 --iodepth=32 --numjobs=1
--rw=write --bsrange=1M-1M --runtime=1000 --name=fio
fio: (g=0): rw=write, bs=1M-1M/1M-1M/1M-1M, ioengine=libaio,
Starting 1 process
Jobs: 1 (f=1): [W(1)] [100.0% done] [0KB/141.0MB/0KB /s] [0/141/0
iops] [eta 00m:00s]
fio: (groupid=0, jobs=1): err= 0: pid=14469: Wed Nov 2 21:22:17 2016
write: io=159168MB, bw=162952KB/s, iops=159, runt=1000219msec
slat (usec): min=34, max=621, avg=109.71, stdev=23.32
clat (msec): min=78, max=539, avg=200.98, stdev=86.51
lat (msec): min=78, max=539, avg=201.09, stdev=86.51
clat percentiles (msec):
| 1.00th=[ 83], 5.00th=[ 86], 10.00th=[ 89], 20.00th=[
| 30.00th=[ 176], 40.00th=[ 188], 50.00th=[ 200], 60.00th=[
| 70.00th=[ 227], 80.00th=[ 237], 90.00th=[ 255], 95.00th=[
| 99.00th=[ 469], 99.50th=[ 482], 99.90th=[ 498], 99.95th=[
| 99.99th=[ 519]
bw (KB /s): min=104160, max=389120, per=100.00%, avg=166894.31,
lat (msec) : 100=19.30%, 250=69.43%, 500=11.20%, 750=0.08%
cpu : usr=0.97%, sys=0.83%, ctx=5748, majf=0, minf=11
IO depths : 1=0.1%, 2=0.1%, 4=0.1%, 8=0.1%, 16=0.1%, 32=100.0%,
submit : 0=0.0%, 4=100.0%, 8=0.0%, 16=0.0%, 32=0.0%, 64=0.0%,
complete : 0=0.0%, 4=100.0%, 8=0.0%, 16=0.0%, 32=0.1%, 64=0.0%,
issued : total=r=0/w=159168/d=0, short=r=0/w=0/d=0,
latency : target=0, window=0, percentile=100.00%, depth=32
Run status group 0 (all jobs):
WRITE: io=159168MB, aggrb=162952KB/s, minb=162952KB/s,
maxb=162952KB/s, mint=1000219msec, maxt=1000219msec
Disk stats (read/write):
sda: ios=0/159136, merge=0/0, ticks=0/31683824, in_queue=31685776,
real 16m40.684s
user 0m10.840s
sys 0m9.996s
# time dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda bs=1M count=65536 conv=fdatasync
65536+0 records in
65536+0 records out
68719476736 bytes (69 GB, 64 GiB) copied, 292.338 s, 235 MB/s
real 4m52.342s
user 0m0.024s
sys 0m38.048s
# echo 3 >/proc/sys/vm/drop_caches
# time dd if=/dev/sda of=/dev/null bs=1M count=65536
65536+0 records in
65536+0 records out
68719476736 bytes (69 GB, 64 GiB) copied, 130.537 s, 526 MB/s
real 2m10.543s
user 0m0.028s
sys 0m28.604s
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