Re: [PATCH v7 2/2] i2c: spacemit: add support for SpacemiT K1 SoC

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On 3/18/25 4:41 PM, Andi Shyti wrote:
On Tue, Mar 18, 2025 at 07:04:19AM -0500, Alex Elder wrote:
On 3/18/25 12:44 AM, Troy Mitchell wrote:
I'll leave it up to the maintainer to decide whether these
comments can just be ignored--my Reviewed-by is fine, even
if you don't change these.

I know it's right what you said.
But I don't know if it's worth to send v8?
Maybe I can fix it when I add FIFO function?
If I'm wrong, let me know.

Unless the maintainer wants you do do v8, please just
address these suggestions later.  Thank you.

it's easier to just send it rather than asking for a v8 :-).

You mean easier for Troy to just send an update?  I agree
with that.  But I have no idea what Troy's schedule looks

What I care more is if you would give an r-b if your last
comment was addressed. If so Troy still has time to send a v8 to
get the series in this cycle, otherwise I can change things
myself before merging.

It would be great to get this merged this week.  Easiest,
quickest, and most unambiguous (if you're willing) would be
for you to do these tweaks and merge it.

Or just merge v7 as-is.  I don't really care at this point.

Yes, my R-B stands with or without my suggestions here.

Reviewed-by: Alex Elder <elder@xxxxxxxxxxxx>

Thank you.



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