Re: [PATCH v5 RESEND 1/2] dmaengine: qcom: gpi: Add GPI Block event interrupt support

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On 12-02-25, 17:35, Jyothi Kumar Seerapu wrote:
> GSI hardware generates an interrupt for each transfer completion.
> For multiple messages within a single transfer, this results in
> N interrupts for N messages, leading to significant software
> interrupt latency.
> To mitigate this latency, utilize Block Event Interrupt (BEI) mechanism.
> Enabling BEI instructs the GSI hardware to prevent interrupt generation
> and BEI is disabled when an interrupt is necessary.
> When using BEI, consider splitting a single multi-message transfer into
> chunks of 8 messages internally and so interrupts are not expected for
> the first 7 message completions, only the last message triggers
> an interrupt, indicating the completion of 8 messages.
> This BEI mechanism enhances overall transfer efficiency.

That sounds good but I dont like the idea that we add a custom interface
for this. Please use DMA_PREP_INTERRUPT instead. Adding this flag should
trigger N interrupts, absence of this should lead to Block events only


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