Fwd: Seeking your opinion on ways to report both Altitude and Pressure sensors for the DPS310 as well as Temperature from dbus-sensors.

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On 6/2/2021 09:21, Ed Tanous wrote:
On Wed, Jun 2, 2021 at 9:14 AM Bruce Mitchell
<bruce.mitchell@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

On 6/2/2021 09:03, Ed Tanous wrote:
On Wed, Jun 2, 2021 at 8:58 AM Bruce Mitchell
<bruce.mitchell@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

On 6/2/2021 08:39, Ed Tanous wrote:
On Tue, Jun 1, 2021 at 8:43 AM Bruce Mitchell
<bruce.mitchell@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Hello Ed,

It has been suggest I seeking your opinion on ways to report both
Altitude and Pressure sensors for the DPS310 as well as Temperature from
dbus-sensors before going to far down the road.  Thus that is what I am
attempting to do in the email, others on the mailing list input is
desirable as well.

Thanks for discussing this before getting too far along.  I haven't
worked on any systems with physical pressure sensors, but I'm excited
to see new things get added.

As I see it, Altitude and Pressure are different in that
        1) Altitude is computed base off of essentially a policy

I have no idea what this means.....   In what way is altitude a
"policy"?  Can you elaborate a little?

I view a mechanism is something like update a FLASH part with
an image provided.

I view a policy is what decides if the the update of the FLASH part
with the specific image is allowed.

I the case if Pressure and Temperature I view them as mechanism,
merely a simple reading and possibly some well defined computations
that are universal.

With Altitude computed from Pressure there are several ways to
compute the Altitude and they are not universal.  So I see it as
a policy of which Pressure to Altitude model is chosen and why.

Sounds like I interpreted your intention correctly. (I think).

I believe you did.

        2) Pressures is a read measurement which is a mechanism
        3) Temperature is a read measurement which is also a mechanism

I'm really struggling with the above to understand what you're getting
after, so if I go down the wrong path, please forgive me.

I think what you're saying is that altitude is calculated based on
pressure + some transfer function to determine an altitude?  And that
transfer function might be fungible depending on the platform?

If I got the above right (big if) I would probably expect a new
pressure sensor type to be added that reports a pressure sensor, then
we'd put the transform code in something that looks a lot like CFM
sensor (which oddly enough has a hardcoded 0 for altitude in its
algorithm for systems without pressure sensors).  Considering how
related a pressure sensor is to altitude, I could see putting them in
the same application if you wanted;  It might simplify the code some.

I think overall a better picture of what you're wanting to accomplish
would be a good place to start, then we can iterate from there on what
pieces we need that are new.

I have Temperature, Pressure, possibly Humidity sensors all which are
variables to different models to compute Altitude from.  I do not have a
true Altitude sensor.

This sounds exactly like the CFM sensor, and Exit air temp sensor;
Most systems don't have exit air temp sensors, but they have input
power and individual fan speeds, which can be put into models to
determine CFM and ultimately exit air temperature.  I would expect
Altitude to do something very similar in code (although with a
completely different algorithm).

So the DPS310 has 2 sensors in it a Pressure and a Temperature sensor.
Do I create a Pressure reading and a Temperature reading for the DPS310
and then add Altitude to it as well?

Or do I create 3 separate things,  one for each Pressure, Temperature,
and Altitude?

Assuming in this case "things" are intended to mean "entity manager
exposes records" you would create one config record for the DPS310
itself (which would in turn create 2 sensors).  This is one "record"
because physically it's one part, and can't be separated, similar to a
TMP421.  After that, I would create another config record for the
"Here's the math to combine these into an altitude".  It might just be
a type and a name, depending on how many inputs go into the transfer
function to convert pressure+temperature into an altitude.

If the math to combine into an altitude isn't system specific, I could
be convinced that the math should go into a single record within the
DPS310 exposes and have that live in the daemon itself, but I don't
have enough detail on how these are usually deployed to know that.

I prefer the the 2 record solution, it keeps the DPS310 self-contained.
And keeps the Altitude self-contained, to the models can evolve and change; also if every a true altitude sensor were created it would help keep better abstraction from the DPS310.

Also I believe I should be looking to the CFM sensor and Exit air
temperature sensor as reference examples.

I am being asked to provide Altitude.

Personally I believe the desired feature is how much cooling a parcel of
air per unit of time.  Thus I would think air Temperature, Humidity, and
Density (probably compute-able from Pressure, but I have not checked on
the specifics) would be the important factors.

Thank you Ed!

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