Hey, I hope that this is the right place to ask a question in regards to gpiod, if not, feel free to point me the right way. We're transitioning from using the old sysfs interface to using gpiod and named lines. For most devices, we specify line names at boot time using gpio-line-names. On some devices we have small differences between revisions or hardware variants, which causes lines to be swapped on GPIO expanders or just being used differently for between revisions. We started to handle this by overlays, but that requires to distinguish during the bootloader phase, which is hard to service and often unneeded. Especially when we want to rename a single line, the overlay needs to override all entries, which leads to duplication of those line name lists. Is there a way to assign or change the line-name value at runtime? If not today, would that be a desired feature (as we're looking for way to test contributing back)? Best regards, Olli