On Thu, May 25, 2023 at 09:54:14PM +0000, Slater, Joseph wrote: > > > > -----Original Message----- > > From: Kent Gibson <warthog618@xxxxxxxxx> > > Sent: Wednesday, May 24, 2023 8:53 PM > > To: Slater, Joseph <joe.slater@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> > > Cc: linux-gpio@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx; MacLeod, Randy > > <Randy.MacLeod@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> > > Subject: Re: [libgpiod][PATCH 1/1] gpio-tools-test.bats: modify delays in toggle > > test > > > > The comment is confusing once the sleep is removed, so just drop it. > > If you want to describe what gpiosim_wait_value() does and when it should be > > used then add that before the function itself. > > > > The test toggles the line at 1s intervals to try to improve the chances of the test > > and gpioset staying in sync. > > Could that be reduced now, without impacting reliability? > > (this test suite being glacial is a personal bugbear) > > [Slater, Joseph] I'll get rid of the comment and try the test with a shorter toggle time. > The series of 159 tests takes, maybe, 10-15 minutes for me, so I don't think saving a > second or two here would make much difference, though. > Joe > I did mention it was glacial, so I feel your pain - you have no idea how many times I've run that test suite - though it is a bit quicker than 10-15 for me. So no problem with leaving the timings as is. I can look at it some other time - revisiting that test suite to try to speed it up is on my todo list - somewhere near the bottom. I look forward to v2. Cheers, Kent.