Different bash scripts from different servers ssh to Raspberry PI and change GPIO line: /dev/gpiochip2, pin number 7. like this: gpioset -b -msignal /dev/gpiochip2 7=1 If another script does for example: gpioset -b -msignal /dev/gpiochip2 7=0 then it gets: gpioset: error setting the GPIO line values: Device or resource busy So every bash script kills previous instance before setting gpio line: pkill -ef "^gpioset .* /dev/gpiochip2 7=[01]$" gpioset -b -msignal /dev/gpiochip2 7=0 Pkill is bad solution: 1. it is very slow, because it has to grep full command lines. 2. it doesn't work if one of bash scripts used little bit different command, for example: gpioset -b -msignal /dev/gpiochip2 7=0 5=2 Is there a better way to kill o replace previous instance of running gpioset? Or is it going to be better in new version v2 of user space tools?