There are boards which use the output of the SGPIO to drive I2C muxers. SGPIO right now is broken in a way that when the software sets this bit there is a rather large delay until that value ends up on the hardware pin. While digging into this, I've noticed that there is no locking at all in this driver. Add locking for all RWM accesses. Please note, that parts of the modification of the first patch are removed again in a later patch. This is because the first patch is intended to be backported to the stable trees. This was also just tested on a LAN9668 SoC. If you have additional hardware, please test. Changes since v1: - add Ocelot support Michael Walle (5): pinctrl: microchip-sgpio: lock RMW access pinctrl: microchip-sgpio: don't do RMW for interrupt ack register pinctrl: microchip-sgpio: use regmap_update_bits() pinctrl: microchip-sgpio: return error in spgio_output_set() pinctrl: microchip-sgpio: wait until output is actually set drivers/pinctrl/pinctrl-microchip-sgpio.c | 112 +++++++++++++++++++--- 1 file changed, 97 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-) -- 2.30.2