Hi All, I have used the v1.6.3 Tag from the website https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/libs/libgpiod/libgpiod.git/?h=v1.6.3, for doing a simple testing on the breadboard(Hobby Project). The source code has been compiled with these flags: ./autogen.sh --enable-tools=yes --prefix=/home/pi/gpio/install --enable-bindings-cxx. I am facing the below mentioned issue with this build. Issue: Command used: ./gpioset --mode=time --sec=1 pinctrl-bcm2711 27=1 As per my understanding, after 1 sec the pin @27 should switch to 0 , but the LED keeps glowing even after the command is complete and later on when I run the ./gpioget gpiochip0 27, the LED switches off and the value printed is 0. Is this supposed to be the desired behavior for the above set command, or it is supposed to EXIT on default after the mentioned time limit. Setup: A simple LED connected using a resistor with GPIO @27 for output pin, and a GND pin used. Please let me know if some more information is needed, or if there is some help I can provide in testing the library further with my small setup, also kindly let me know if my format for filling issue/bugs is not correct, and in case it needs to be posted elsewhere. Thanks Ashayam Gupta