On Tue 14 Sep 02:45 CDT 2021, Shawn Guo wrote: > diff --git a/drivers/pinctrl/qcom/pinctrl-qcm2290.c b/drivers/pinctrl/qcom/pinctrl-qcm2290.c [..] > +enum qcm2290_functions { > + msm_mux_qup0, The order of these aren't significant, so please sort them alphabetically. > + msm_mux_gpio, > + msm_mux_ddr_bist, > + msm_mux_phase_flag0, [..] > +static const struct msm_function qcm2290_functions[] = { > + FUNCTION(qup0), Ditto. > + FUNCTION(gpio), > + FUNCTION(ddr_bist), > + FUNCTION(phase_flag0), > + FUNCTION(qdss_gpio8), > + FUNCTION(atest_tsens), > + FUNCTION(mpm_pwr), [..] > +}; > + > +/* Every pin is maintained as a single group, and missing or non-existing pin > + * would be maintained as dummy group to synchronize pin group index with > + * pin descriptor registered with pinctrl core. > + * Clients would not be able to request these dummy pin groups. > + */ > +static const struct msm_pingroup qcm2290_groups[] = { > + [0] = PINGROUP(0, qup0, m_voc, ddr_bist, _, phase_flag0, qdss_gpio8, atest_tsens, _, _), Please group all phase_flagN into a single phase_flag function. Same with qdss_gpioN, atest__tsensN, atest_usbN, atest_charN and dac_calibN. > + [1] = PINGROUP(1, qup0, mpm_pwr, ddr_bist, _, phase_flag1, qdss_gpio9, atest_tsens2, _, _), > + [2] = PINGROUP(2, qup0, ddr_bist, _, phase_flag2, qdss_gpio10, dac_calib0, atest_usb10, _, _), > + [3] = PINGROUP(3, qup0, ddr_bist, _, phase_flag3, qdss_gpio11, dac_calib1, atest_usb11, _, _), > + [4] = PINGROUP(4, qup1, CRI_TRNG0, _, phase_flag4, dac_calib2, atest_usb12, _, _, _), > + [5] = PINGROUP(5, qup1, CRI_TRNG1, _, phase_flag5, dac_calib3, atest_usb13, _, _, _), > + [6] = PINGROUP(6, qup2, _, phase_flag6, dac_calib4, atest_usb1, _, _, _, _), > + [7] = PINGROUP(7, qup2, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _), [8] = PINGROUP(8, qup3, pbs_out, PLL_BIST, _, qdss_gpio, _, tsense_pwm, _, _), > + [9] = PINGROUP(9, qup3, pbs_out, PLL_BIST, _, qdss_gpio, _, _, _, _), > + [10] = PINGROUP(10, qup3, AGERA_PLL, _, pbs0, qdss_gpio0, _, _, _, _), > + [11] = PINGROUP(11, qup3, AGERA_PLL, _, pbs1, qdss_gpio1, _, _, _, _), > + [12] = PINGROUP(12, qup4, tgu_ch0, _, _, _, _, _, _, _), > + [13] = PINGROUP(13, qup4, tgu_ch1, _, _, _, _, _, _, _), > + [14] = PINGROUP(14, qup5, tgu_ch2, _, phase_flag7, qdss_gpio4, dac_calib5, _, _, _), > + [15] = PINGROUP(15, qup5, tgu_ch3, _, phase_flag8, qdss_gpio5, dac_calib6, _, _, _), > + [16] = PINGROUP(16, qup5, _, phase_flag9, qdss_gpio6, dac_calib7, _, _, _, _), > + [17] = PINGROUP(17, qup5, _, phase_flag10, qdss_gpio7, dac_calib8, _, _, _, _), > + [18] = PINGROUP(18, SDC2_TB, CRI_TRNG, pbs2, qdss_gpio2, _, pwm_0, _, _, _), > + [19] = PINGROUP(19, SDC1_TB, pbs3, qdss_gpio3, _, _, _, _, _, _), > + [20] = PINGROUP(20, cam_mclk, pbs4, qdss_gpio4, _, _, _, _, _, _), > + [21] = PINGROUP(21, cam_mclk, adsp_ext, pbs5, qdss_gpio5, _, _, _, _, _), > + [22] = PINGROUP(22, cci_i2c, prng_rosc, _, pbs6, phase_flag11, qdss_gpio6, dac_calib9, atest_usb20, _), > + [23] = PINGROUP(23, cci_i2c, prng_rosc, _, pbs7, phase_flag12, qdss_gpio7, dac_calib10, atest_usb21, _), > + [24] = PINGROUP(24, CCI_TIMER1, GCC_GP1, _, pbs8, phase_flag13, qdss_gpio8, dac_calib11, atest_usb22, _), > + [25] = PINGROUP(25, cci_async, CCI_TIMER0, _, pbs9, phase_flag14, qdss_gpio9, dac_calib12, atest_usb23, _), > + [26] = PINGROUP(26, _, pbs10, phase_flag15, qdss_gpio10, dac_calib13, atest_usb2, vsense_trigger, _, _), > + [27] = PINGROUP(27, cam_mclk, qdss_cti, _, _, _, _, _, _, _), > + [28] = PINGROUP(28, cam_mclk, CCI_TIMER2, qdss_cti, _, pwm_1, _, _, _, _), > + [29] = PINGROUP(29, cci_i2c, _, phase_flag16, dac_calib14, atest_char, _, _, _, _), > + [30] = PINGROUP(30, cci_i2c, _, phase_flag17, dac_calib15, atest_char0, _, _, _, _), > + [31] = PINGROUP(31, GP_PDM0, _, phase_flag18, dac_calib16, atest_char1, _, _, _, _), > + [32] = PINGROUP(32, CCI_TIMER3, GP_PDM1, _, phase_flag19, dac_calib17, atest_char2, _, _, _), > + [33] = PINGROUP(33, GP_PDM2, _, phase_flag20, dac_calib18, atest_char3, _, _, _, _), > + [34] = PINGROUP(34, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _), > + [35] = PINGROUP(35, _, phase_flag21, _, _, _, _, _, _, _), > + [36] = PINGROUP(36, _, phase_flag22, _, _, _, _, _, _, _), > + [37] = PINGROUP(37, _, _, char_exec, _, _, _, _, _, _), > + [38] = PINGROUP(38, _, _, _, char_exec, _, _, _, _, _), > + [39] = PINGROUP(39, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _), > + [40] = PINGROUP(40, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _), > + [41] = PINGROUP(41, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _), > + [42] = PINGROUP(42, _, NAV_GPIO, _, _, _, _, _, _, _), > + [43] = PINGROUP(43, _, _, phase_flag23, _, _, _, _, _, _), > + [44] = PINGROUP(44, _, _, phase_flag24, _, _, _, _, _, _), > + [45] = PINGROUP(45, _, _, phase_flag25, _, _, _, _, _, _), > + [46] = PINGROUP(46, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _), > + [47] = PINGROUP(47, _, NAV_GPIO, pbs14, qdss_gpio14, _, _, _, _, _), > + [48] = PINGROUP(48, _, vfr_1, _, pbs15, qdss_gpio15, _, _, _, _), > + [49] = PINGROUP(49, _, PA_INDICATOR, _, _, _, _, _, _, _), > + [50] = PINGROUP(50, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _), > + [51] = PINGROUP(51, _, _, _, pwm_2, _, _, _, _, _), > + [52] = PINGROUP(52, _, NAV_GPIO, pbs_out, _, _, _, _, _, _), > + [53] = PINGROUP(53, _, gsm1_tx, _, _, _, _, _, _, _), > + [54] = PINGROUP(54, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _), > + [55] = PINGROUP(55, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _), > + [56] = PINGROUP(56, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _), > + [57] = PINGROUP(57, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _), > + [58] = PINGROUP(58, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _), > + [59] = PINGROUP(59, _, SSBI_WTR1, _, _, _, _, _, _, _), > + [60] = PINGROUP(60, _, SSBI_WTR1, _, _, _, _, _, _, _), > + [61] = PINGROUP(61, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _), > + [62] = PINGROUP(62, _, pll_bypassnl, _, _, _, _, _, _, _), > + [63] = PINGROUP(63, pll_reset, _, phase_flag26, ddr_pxi0, _, _, _, _, _), > + [64] = PINGROUP(64, gsm0_tx, _, phase_flag27, ddr_pxi0, _, _, _, _, _), > + [65] = PINGROUP(65, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _), > + [66] = PINGROUP(66, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _), > + [67] = PINGROUP(67, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _), > + [68] = PINGROUP(68, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _), > + [69] = PINGROUP(69, qup1, GCC_GP2, qdss_gpio12, ddr_pxi1, _, _, _, _, _), > + [70] = PINGROUP(70, qup1, GCC_GP3, qdss_gpio13, ddr_pxi1, _, _, _, _, _), > + [71] = PINGROUP(71, qup2, dbg_out, _, _, _, _, _, _, _), > + [72] = PINGROUP(72, uim2_data, qdss_cti, _, pwm_3, _, _, _, _, _), > + [73] = PINGROUP(73, uim2_clk, _, qdss_cti, _, _, _, _, _, _), > + [74] = PINGROUP(74, uim2_reset, _, _, pwm_4, _, _, _, _, _), > + [75] = PINGROUP(75, uim2_present, _, _, pwm_5, _, _, _, _, _), > + [76] = PINGROUP(76, uim1_data, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _), > + [77] = PINGROUP(77, uim1_clk, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _), > + [78] = PINGROUP(78, uim1_reset, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _), > + [79] = PINGROUP(79, uim1_present, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _), > + [80] = PINGROUP(80, qup2, dac_calib19, _, _, _, _, _, _, _), > + [81] = PINGROUP(81, mdp_vsync_out_0, mdp_vsync_out_1, mdp_vsync, dac_calib20, _, _, _, _, _), > + [82] = PINGROUP(82, qup0, dac_calib21, _, pwm_6, _, _, _, _, _), > + [83] = PINGROUP(83, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _), > + [84] = PINGROUP(84, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _), > + [85] = PINGROUP(85, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _), > + [86] = PINGROUP(86, qup0, GCC_GP1, atest_bbrx1, _, _, _, _, _, _), > + [87] = PINGROUP(87, pbs11, qdss_gpio11, _, _, _, _, _, _, _), > + [88] = PINGROUP(88, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _), > + [89] = PINGROUP(89, usb_phy, atest_bbrx0, _, pwm_7, _, _, _, _, _), > + [90] = PINGROUP(90, mss_lte, pbs12, qdss_gpio12, _, _, _, _, _, _), > + [91] = PINGROUP(91, mss_lte, pbs13, qdss_gpio13, _, _, _, _, _, _), > + [92] = PINGROUP(92, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _), > + [93] = PINGROUP(93, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _), > + [94] = PINGROUP(94, _, qdss_gpio14, wlan1_adc0, _, _, _, _, _, _), > + [95] = PINGROUP(95, NAV_GPIO, GP_PDM0, qdss_gpio15, wlan1_adc1, _, _, _, _, _), > + [96] = PINGROUP(96, qup4, NAV_GPIO, mdp_vsync, GP_PDM1, sd_write, JITTER_BIST, qdss_cti, qdss_cti, _), > + [97] = PINGROUP(97, qup4, NAV_GPIO, mdp_vsync, GP_PDM2, JITTER_BIST, qdss_cti, qdss_cti, _, _), > + [98] = PINGROUP(98, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _), > + [99] = PINGROUP(99, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _), > + [100] = PINGROUP(100, atest_gpsadc_dtest0_native, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _), > + [101] = PINGROUP(101, atest_gpsadc_dtest1_native, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _), > + [102] = PINGROUP(102, _, phase_flag28, dac_calib22, ddr_pxi2, _, _, _, _, _), > + [103] = PINGROUP(103, _, phase_flag29, dac_calib23, ddr_pxi2, _, _, _, _, _), > + [104] = PINGROUP(104, _, phase_flag30, qdss_gpio1, dac_calib24, ddr_pxi3, _, pwm_8, _, _), > + [105] = PINGROUP(105, _, phase_flag31, qdss_gpio, dac_calib25, ddr_pxi3, _, _, _, _), > + [106] = PINGROUP(106, NAV_GPIO, GCC_GP3, qdss_gpio, _, _, _, _, _, _), > + [107] = PINGROUP(107, NAV_GPIO, GCC_GP2, qdss_gpio0, _, _, _, _, _, _), > + [108] = PINGROUP(108, NAV_GPIO, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _), > + [109] = PINGROUP(109, _, qdss_gpio2, _, _, _, _, _, _, _), > + [110] = PINGROUP(110, _, qdss_gpio3, _, _, _, _, _, _, _), > + [111] = PINGROUP(111, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _), > + [112] = PINGROUP(112, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _), > + [113] = PINGROUP(113, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _), > + [114] = PINGROUP(114, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _), > + [115] = PINGROUP(115, _, pwm_9, _, _, _, _, _, _, _), > + [116] = PINGROUP(116, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _), > + [117] = PINGROUP(117, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _), > + [118] = PINGROUP(118, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _), > + [119] = PINGROUP(119, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _), > + [120] = PINGROUP(120, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _), > + [121] = PINGROUP(121, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _), > + [122] = PINGROUP(122, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _), > + [123] = PINGROUP(123, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _), > + [124] = PINGROUP(124, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _), > + [125] = PINGROUP(125, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _), > + [126] = PINGROUP(126, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _), > + [127] = SDC_QDSD_PINGROUP(sdc1_rclk, 0x84004, 0, 0), > + [128] = SDC_QDSD_PINGROUP(sdc1_clk, 0x84000, 13, 6), > + [129] = SDC_QDSD_PINGROUP(sdc1_cmd, 0x84000, 11, 3), > + [130] = SDC_QDSD_PINGROUP(sdc1_data, 0x84000, 9, 0), > + [131] = SDC_QDSD_PINGROUP(sdc2_clk, 0x86000, 14, 6), > + [132] = SDC_QDSD_PINGROUP(sdc2_cmd, 0x86000, 11, 3), > + [133] = SDC_QDSD_PINGROUP(sdc2_data, 0x86000, 9, 0), > +}; > + > +static const struct msm_pinctrl_soc_data qcm2290_pinctrl = { > + .pins = qcm2290_pins, > + .npins = ARRAY_SIZE(qcm2290_pins), > + .functions = qcm2290_functions, > + .nfunctions = ARRAY_SIZE(qcm2290_functions), > + .groups = qcm2290_groups, > + .ngroups = ARRAY_SIZE(qcm2290_groups), > + .ngpios = 127, > +}; > + > +static int qcm2290_pinctrl_probe(struct platform_device *pdev) > +{ > + return msm_pinctrl_probe(pdev, &qcm2290_pinctrl); > +} > + > +static const struct of_device_id qcm2290_pinctrl_of_match[] = { > + { .compatible = "qcom,qcm2290-pinctrl", }, Please make this qcom,qcm2290-tlmm. Thanks, Bjorn > + { }, > +}; > + > +static struct platform_driver qcm2290_pinctrl_driver = { > + .driver = { > + .name = "qcm2290-pinctrl", > + .of_match_table = qcm2290_pinctrl_of_match, > + }, > + .probe = qcm2290_pinctrl_probe, > + .remove = msm_pinctrl_remove, > +}; > + > +static int __init qcm2290_pinctrl_init(void) > +{ > + return platform_driver_register(&qcm2290_pinctrl_driver); > +} > +arch_initcall(qcm2290_pinctrl_init); > + > +static void __exit qcm2290_pinctrl_exit(void) > +{ > + platform_driver_unregister(&qcm2290_pinctrl_driver); > +} > +module_exit(qcm2290_pinctrl_exit); > + > +MODULE_DESCRIPTION("QTI QCM2290 pinctrl driver"); > +MODULE_LICENSE("GPL v2"); > +MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(of, qcm2290_pinctrl_of_match); > -- > 2.17.1 >